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Keanu Reeves makes rare comments about 'blissful' life with girlfriend Alexandra Grant

Keanu Reeves makes rare comments about 'blissful' life with girlfriend Alexandra Grant

"It was just really nice to be together."

Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves has given a rare glimpse into his love life and described one of his happiest moments as being with his girlfriend Alexandra Grant.

The actor is notoriously tight lipped about his personal life and despite the couple dating for nearly four years, Reeves has said very little about his relationship.

The pair have known each other since 2011, but made their official public debut in 2019.

Reeves took Grant to the LACMA Art + Film Gala in 2019 and they walked the red carpet holding hands, sparking romantic rumours before their relationship was officially confirmed.

The couple made their official public debut in 2019.
Everett Collection Inc / Sipa US / Alamy Stock Photo

A source told People in 2019: "Keanu wants to openly share his life with her. He is extremely happy and grateful to have Alex in his life.

"[They] started dating earlier this year, but have wanted to keep it quiet."

Reeves recently spoke to People amid the release of his new film John Wick: Chapter 4.

The actor sat down for a 'One Last Thing' interview where stars are questioned about the last time they did certain things.

Talking about his last recurring dream, Reeves explained: "I've had recurring nightmares, but they're too scary to describe.

"It's always fun to fly in dreams, isn't it? I'm just glad I have the chance to do it anywhere. It's quite extraordinary."

The actor also spoke about the last time he danced. For anyone who thinks Reeves might be a secret dynamite mover on the dance floor, he admitted he isn't one for dancing as the last time he threw some shapes was over eight months ago.

He said: "Sometimes I'm the first out there and sometimes I need coaxing. Sometimes it's the song and sometimes it's the person. I just go with the feeling."

Reeves described his girlfriend as "my honey."
Everett Collection Inc / Sipa US / Alamy Stock Photo

However, you might find the Matrix star with a quieter past time, as he revealed that the last game he played was actually a game of chess. Reeves explained: "I've been playing some chess. It's a competitive game.

"I don't think you walk to the board and go, 'I hope I lose.' If you don't know how to play, I'm great - yeah, I'm a master. And if you're really good, I'm terrible."

When Reeves was asked about his last moment of bliss, he replied: "A couple of days ago with my honey.

"We were in bed. We were connected. We were smiling and laughing and giggling. Feeling great. It was just really nice to be together."

How adorable.

Featured Image Credit: Everett Collection Inc / Sipa US / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Celebrity, Sex and Relationships