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TikTok star Fiona Jane Lagan, 44, dies after being diagnosed with throat cancer

TikTok star Fiona Jane Lagan, 44, dies after being diagnosed with throat cancer

Fiona Jane Lagan was known as FeeFeeJane on TikTok, and her mother has paid an emotional tribute to her after her sad death

A much-loved TikTok star has died after being diagnosed with throat cancer, her family has confirmed.

Fiona Jane Lagan, who went by the name FeeFee Jane on the video-sharing platform, was called ‘gorgeous inside and out’ and a ‘caring and thoughtful soul who would give you her last penny’ by her mother in an emotional Facebook post.

"Every time she entered a room it was like someone had jumped out of a surprise birthday cake," said mum Jan Laden when paying a heartfelt tribute to her daughter.

Fiona died surrounded by her loved ones on Monday, 13 March after being diagnosed with throat cancer that later spread into her tongue.

She was just 44.

Fiona Jane Lagan.

In a last act of kindness, she also asked that her long blonde hair be donated to the Little Princess Trust after her death.

Now, her family are raising money for the charity that was clearly so close to her heart.

Fiona’s diagnosis came three years ago, and she received chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment before entering remission.

Sadly, the cancer returned and spread to her tongue.

Last year, doctors gave her the news that she had around six to 12 months left to live.

Her mum said: “She was like Wonder Woman.

“She fought and fought.

“Fee Fee was so full of life and was an absolutely gorgeous girl inside and out.”

She spent Christmas and New Year with her family, and celebrated her two brothers’ birthdays before she took a turn for the worse.

Her mum said: “She was at her home with me, my husband, her brother and her family when she died.

"It's a promise I made and I kept.”

Fiona shared the honest reality of her life with her followers.

Jan continued: “You know when you have a big birthday cake and someone hides in it and they pop out and surprise you - every time she walked into a room that is what it was like.

“She was the most thoughtful, caring person.

"She wrote a bucket list - we went to see Michael Bublé, went to do the Cube in Manchester, she went to Liverpool for a weekend, and back to Blackpool where she lived for some time."

Locals at the pub near to the family’s home even clubbed together to send her and her three nephews away on holiday to Lake Windermere before her death.

Her mother’s post went on: “She was one of these girls - it had to be Valentino, Vivian Westwood or Gucci.

“She was always dressed from head to toe immaculate. She had a heart of gold.

"Even after she passed away on Monday - I've been sorting her drawers and she's left me a Mother's Day gift, my husband a birthday card for July.

"Anyone who ever met Fee Fee couldn't get enough of her.

“There's been so many flowers and cards delivered to our home - from people who Fee Fee has met from all over.

"She was that kind of girl where you just couldn't help but love her."

Fiona had 44,000 followers on TikTok, where she shared her cancer journey, as well as life with a tracheostomy tube.

Fiona's mum paid an emotional tribute to her daughter.

Jan added: “Even when we were in hospital the doctor came in and said 'oh it's Fee Fee off TikTok'.

"When we went to the Chinese one night to pick up some food and she got out of the car and there were two girls who started shouting because it was FeeFee Jane from TikTok - she was like a Kardashian.

"She would have given you her last penny. She's irreplaceable and her whole family will miss her so much.

"When she asked in the funeral parlour if after we've seen her they could cut her hair to be donate, I just fell apart.

“I didn't really want her to donate her hair, she's always had her long hair.

"But when I sat and thought about it - it's her request and I wouldn't go against that.

“We're so proud of her and she always wanted to help others.

“She was my best friend. Our friends and family have been a huge support to us and I can't thank them enough for everything they have done for us and for Fee Fee."

If you want to make a donation to Fiona's GoFundMe page, raising money for the Little Princess Trust, you can do so by following this link.

Featured Image Credit: FeeFeeJane/TikTok/GoFundMe

Topics: Celebrity, TikTok, Health

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