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Charlotte Crosby's heartbroken mum cannot meet her new grandchild yet

Charlotte Crosby's heartbroken mum cannot meet her new grandchild yet

Charlotte gave birth just a few days ago

Charlotte Crosby's mum Letitia Crosby has revealed why she has not yet been able to meet her new granddaughter, who was born over the weekend.

Charlotte, 32, welcomed her little girl just days ago via caesarean section, with her dad Gary breaking the news on Twitter on Saturday morning.

"So, officially a grand father! Little girl, all is well. Excited for the new chapter in our little family," Gary wrote.

Charlotte and Jake welcomed their little one a few days ago.
Charlotte Crosby/Instagram

Charlotte later posted her own update on Instagram with a series of photos from hospital, and announcing that their baby girl - whose name they are yet to announce - had arrived.

Charlotte's mum Letitia also shared an update on her own social media, explaining to followers that she hasn't been able to meet her grandchild yet.

Letitia was sadly diagnosed with breast cancer in August this year after a routine mammogram.

“It was just a routine mammogram, I have never missed one. When they told me it was cancer I was floored," Letitia told The Sun.

“I no symptoms, no lumps, nothing. The mammogram has helped save my life – they should be inviting women of all ages to one every single year. Not just women over 50."

Letitia is now undergoing treatment, which is why she has not yet been able to meet her new grandchild.

"So I am going to get up countdown my days til I am with my daughter and granddaughter. And obviously @jake_ankers, have not being able to see her yet and it's killing," she said on social media.

"However, I hitting over half way threw [sic] chemo and cannot risk catching anything to stop this. I need to crack on and get this treatment done to hopefully have many cuddles with my precious girl."

Letitia previously explained how receiving the diagnosis amidst the happy baby news was tough.

Letitia is now undergoing treatment, which is why she has not yet been able to meet her new grandchild.

She continued to The Sun: “It was so difficult to tell Charlotte I had cancer. We had all the happy news a couple of months before that she was having the baby.

“We were all so happy. We had so many things to look forward to. So telling her I had cancer when she was pregnant was so hard. All I was thinking about was my first grandchild and then you get the diagnosis and it just overshadows it.”

We're thinking of Letitia and sending huge congratulations to Charlotte and Jake, too.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/letitia.crosby/Instagram/charlottegshore

Topics: Celebrity, Parenting