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There’s a new craze amongst those crazy kids from Gen Z and millennials, and apparently it’s ‘better than sex’ – it’s called the ‘everything shower’ and it actually sounds pretty great, to be fair.

Basically, you show a complete disregard for your water bill and stay in the shower for several hours, getting every little task regarding self-care, beautification, and hygiene possible done in the process.

That means shaving, washing hair, conditioning, applying hair masks, whatever you want.

All in all, some have confessed to spending three hours in their shower, running away water as if the planet isn’t dying around us every day.

Hell, it’s probably going to do that anyway, so let them have their fun, why not?

What’s more, it gives people some much needed alone time with their thoughts and their music, away from the screens that dominate even our most solitary moments.

This practice started to come to public attention – where else? – on TikTok, with more than 168.9 million people viewing the trend hashtag #EverythingShower.

Kourv Annon is a big fan of the everything shower.

One social media influencer even told her husband: “An everything shower with hot water and Taylor Swift is better than sex. Sorry.”

It’s a bold claim, but she’s not alone.

Kourv Annon, the influencer behind that aforementioned bold claim, explained: “I wash my hair, shave my legs, shave my armpits, deep condition, exfoliate, do my skincare.

“I do everything in the shower.”

I guess that’s why it’s not called a ‘some things shower’ huh?

Obviously, this isn’t an every day occurrence, but Annon said she tries to put the time aside once a month, though others are more frequent, even once a week in the case of another influencer called Nicole.

“[I] always start with a shampoo,” she said.

“Then we move on to the deep conditioner, the hair mask … and that stays in your hair for as long as it takes to get everything else done.”

Finally, after detailing her whole routine, Nicole explained that she steps into her ‘comfiest pyjamas’ and finishes the whole job.

Everyone seems to have their own everything shower take, but there is actually a correct order to do things, according to dermatologist Dr Lindsey Zubritsky, who posted her own instructional video.

“There is a right and a wrong way to do [everything showers],” she said.

“If you’re waiting ‘til the end of your shower to rinse out your conditioner, that conditioner can sit on the skin, clog your pores and lead to back and chest acne.”

There's a right and wrong way to do it, according to a dermatologist.

Then, she said that you should exfoliate before shaving, before finally washing off, cleaning your face again, drying your hair with a microfibre towel, and putting on some moisturiser.

It sounds like an ordeal, doesn’t it?

It’s almost not worth trying to be that thorough.

Not everyone is on board, either.

“You know what needs to be f***ing talked about? How f***ing draining an everything shower is,” one person commented.

“It’s not even enjoyable,” she added.

However, many folks love it – and why not let them have it, so long as they’re happy?

No-one is going to force you to do it.

Well, let’s hope not anyway.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/ alexwaarren /dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: TikTok, Beauty, Health, Cleaning

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