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Viewers left 'horrified' and 'physically sick' by 'chilling' sexual harassment documentary

Viewers left 'horrified' and 'physically sick' by 'chilling' sexual harassment documentary

This is really unsettling

A disturbing new documentary about sexual harassment against women is making viewers feel 'physically sick' after tuning in.

Channel 4's Undercover: Sexual Harassment - The Truth saw undercover journalist Ellie Flynn pretend to be drunk woman who got separated from her friends to see how the public would react - and the results were horrifying. Check it out here:

The Dispatches documentary, which aired on TV on Monday night (12 December) exposed the harsh reality of sexual harassment against women and girls in Britain today, from 'd**k pics' to being flashed, groped, spiked and raped.

As part of the doc, Ellie pretended to be drunk and alone in both London and Liverpool, accompanied by a hidden film crew and security team.

Things got out of hand while she and the team were filming in Liverpool when a man approached her while she was 'drunk' and tried to follow her home.

Despite telling him multiple times that she was fine on her own and didn't want him to come with her, the man follows her all the way back to her hotel and eventually into her room.

The documentary features some disturbing moments.
Channel 4

The entire exchange was filmed through body cameras and cameras stationed in the hotel room.

When she makes it into the room, Ellie immediately snaps out of her fake drunken state and confronts the man.

"Why have you followed me here?" she asks.

When he simply says that he likes her, she replies: "I didn't give you any indication that I wanted you to follow me here. So why have you followed me here?"

He tells her: "You like me", to which she hits back: "No. I gave you no indication that I like you."

After some further back and forth, Ellie tells the man that she wants him to leave, but he doesn't go before asking her for a kiss.

When he finally leaves, Ellie is visibly shaken, and a member of her team rushes to the door to comfort her.

Viewers were understandably disgusted by the interaction and took to Twitter to discuss Ellie's brave operation.

One man wrote: "This is just sickening to watch. As a man we just don't appreciate what women go through when out alone."

Another viewer commented: "I could physically be sick watching this. So brave for you to put yourself at risk to show, fingers cross this helps/makes people pay more attention to each other. Let’s look after each other."

Ellie eventually broke character and confronted the man after he followed her to her hotel room.
Channel 4

And a third tweeted: "I’m actually scared to watch this. I have two daughters & the idea of this scares me shitless."

Unfortunately, though, most women weren't surprised by the results of Ellie's experiment.

"Now do you believe us?!?!!", tweeted singer Imelda May.

"An uncomfortable watch, but nothing that surprised me at all", commented another viewer. "Being a woman is bloody terrifying sometimes."

The Channel 4 team has confirmed that Merseyside and the Metropolitan Police are now investigating the issues raised within the programme

Undercover: Sexual Harassment: The Truth is available to watch on repeat on All4.

Featured Image Credit: Channel 4

Topics: Channel 4, Documentaries, TV And Film

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