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Netflix Viewers Are Calling Sam Brown's Testimony 'Brave' In Jimmy Savile Doc

Netflix Viewers Are Calling Sam Brown's Testimony 'Brave' In Jimmy Savile Doc

The two-part documentary is on Netflix now.

Warning: This article contains distressing content.

Netflix users have been struck by the shocking new two-part documentary Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story, especially after hearing a harrowing testimony of one of his victims, Sam Brown.

As part of the documentary, which looked at the sexual assault allegations that surrounded the late radio and television personality, Sam spoke about the abuse she had suffered between ages 11 and 15.

Viewers were devastated by Sam's horrific story, and quickly took to social media to commend her for speaking out.

You can watch the trailer here:

In the documentary, Sam claims that Jimmy assaulted her more than 20 times over her early teen years when he volunteered as a porter at Stoke Mandeville hospital.

Sam recalled how she would try to cover herself up as much as she could when she was around the former broadcaster "so he couldn't put his hands in [her]."

Viewers' hearts broke as they heard her admit that she still felt some guilt over the torturous experience.

After sharing the grim details, Sam confessed: "I still believe that I played a part in this. Because I should have shouted. I should have been able to have gone to my mum or my family or my teachers.

"Or I should have stopped right there in that church and - Why did I not shout: 'Leave me alone?' That's my fault. Why did I not stop it?"

Sam Brown told her story in the new Netflix documentary. (

Having watched Sam tell her story for the Netflix documentary, one viewer quickly took to Twitter, writing: "The one person that has stuck with me is Sam Brown. This is one brave lady. And if anyone knows her, please tell her that it's 100% not her fault. What that man did was horrific and she's not to blame."

Another Netflix user who was moved by her story tweeted: "Netflix’s Jimmy Savile documentary is crazy. Sam Brown’s interview was one of the hardest stories to watch I’ve seen in a long time . Highly recommend watching."


Another viewer, who was troubled by Sam's story wrote: "Had to pause; Sam Brown's testimony, her bleak self-blame, with the cold, common, British disregard for children hanging over her experience. Evokes a brain & bellyful of icy, burning, rage. & sorrow. #JimmySavile".

Sam admitted that she feels partly responsible for what happened to her. (

A fourth praised Sam for her bravery, writing: "Finished the #JimmySavile documentary. These two parts are a must watch; harrowing as they are they may give you some insight and understanding as to why victims of abuse don't want to come forward. Sam Brown, you are so brave and magnificent for telling your story on camera."

And a fifth viewer added: "Sam Brown is incredibly strong #JimmySavile".

Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story is available to watch now on Netflix.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: TV And Film, Netflix

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