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Love Actually Fans Still Can't Get Over Colin Firth's Language Mistake 19 Years Later

Love Actually Fans Still Can't Get Over Colin Firth's Language Mistake 19 Years Later

Not so bueno after all...

Almost 19 years after it was first release, people are still finding new flaws in Christmas rom-com Love Actually.

From casual fat-shaming comments to 'ridiculous' deleted scenes, fans who rewatch the film every year always seem to find something new to pick fault in, and this time, we're pointing our fingers at Colin Firth.

To jog your memory, Colin plays Jamie, a heartbroken man who runs away to his French cottage after he catches his girlfriend cheating on him with his brother. On his getaway, he crosses paths with Portuguese housekeeper Aurélia and, despite their language barrier, they fall in love.


When they first meet, Jamie tries his best to connect with Aurélia by discussing Portuguese football, telling her: "Buongiorno… Eusébio… molto bueno," miming a goofy football kick.

When Aurélia appears confused, Jamie's landlady Eleonore explains: "I think she's 10 years too young to remember there was a footballer called Eusébio. And 'molto bueno' is Spanish."

But here's the thing.

'Molto Bueno' is not Spanish. In fact, it isn't anything. 'Molto' is Italian and 'Bueno' is Spanish.

And while it would make sense for Jamie to make this mistake, Eleonore seems rather smug when she corrects him, and Spanish-speaking viewers are furious.

Jamie's scene is infuriating Spanish speakers. (
Universal Pictures)

One viewer commented: "Watching the scene in Love Actually where they say that 'molto bueno' is Spanish annoys me every single time #MoltoIsItalian #BuenoIsSpanish"

Another frustrated fan tweeted: "After all these years, it still bugs me when the lady in Love Actually says, 'Molto bueno is Spanish.' NO IT'S NOT. IT'S NOT ANYTHING."


One irritated viewer commented: "I'm about 40 minutes into Love Actually. Not sure I'll be able to overcome my annoyance at the line 'molto bueno is Spanish.'"

A second wrote: "Watching Love Actually. "She's ten years too young, and 'molto bueno' is Spanish!" - NO, IT'S ITALIAN, YOU UNCULTURED SWINE."

Yikes, looks like Eleonore has a lot to answer for.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: TV And Film