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People Are Just Discovering Their Car Tells Them What Side The Petrol Tank Is On

People Are Just Discovering Their Car Tells Them What Side The Petrol Tank Is On

It’s so simple, how did we even miss it?

As useful it is to be able to drive, having a car can sometimes be a right pain.

As well as a series of new road rules we have to brush up on before we go on our next road trip, we have to deal with the often painful expenses of road tax, insurance, and of course, fuel.

If you don’t own a car, you may opt to hire a vehicle for any getaways – and driving a car you’re not used to can be quite disconcerting.

Driving is not all fun and games (

And if you need to fill up on petrol before you head off for your vaycay, there’s nothing worse than driving up to the fuel pump only to find the car’s filler cap is on the other side.

So, how can we avoid any awkward moments at the petrol station when filling up our engine? Well, most recent (and not so recent) car designs include a feature which makes it easy for us to know where to refuel.

If you take a look inside your vehicle, on the instrument panel should sit the fuel gauge.

Your instrument panel has some clues (

On there is a little icon of a petrol pump, with a little arrow pointing left or right.

If the arrow is pointing left, the vehicle’s filler cap is on the left, and so on and so forth.

Yes, we didn’t realise it was that simple either…

In other driving news, you can get fined up to £5000 for something as seemingly innocent as dancing and singing in your car.

Having your own in-car karaoke or disco could land you with a 'driving without due care and attention' or 'dangerous driving' charge.

The arrow shows which side the cap is (

And should you find yourself in an accident for that reason, you could be hit with nine penalty points on your licence as well as the hefty fine.

You can read more about that here

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

Topics: Life, Travel