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Woman spends over £35,000 on extreme ‘demonic’ body transformation

Woman spends over £35,000 on extreme ‘demonic’ body transformation

She says her unique look divides opinions but she loves it

A woman who has undergone an extreme amount of body modifications and tattoos says she’s spent more than £35,000 on perfecting her unique look.

Kierstyn Milligan, 24, has gone all in on her dramatic makeover and now sports fanged teeth, a split tongue and tattoos across her entire body, including her eyeballs. Didn’t fancy going for the pain free option with a bit of zapping, no?

The OnlyFans model and tattoo artist from Houston, Texas, US, has also undergone a boob job and Lipo 360 in her quest to create her ideal body - and she says she isn’t done yet.

Kierstyn was just 14 when she got her first inking and says that while initially hesitant, her family and friends now support and lover her unusual body modifications.

However, when it comes to strangers on the street, the reactions are a mixed bag, with some folks stopping her and requesting photographs and others telling her she looks 'demonic'.

And, while some people may be concerned about the stigma attached to tattoos, Kierstyn couldn’t care less.

Kierstyn Milligan before her extreme body modifications.

Kierstyn said: "The reactions I’ve got since I started sharing my journey online are 50/50 love and hate, but I just don’t let it get to me.

"Most people think I’m demonic - that I have no family or money. They put all these stereotypes on me, and I shut them all down.

"People in public mostly have positive reactions and want to take pictures with me, but I occasionally get an ugly look.

"My family and friends are very supportive of anything I want to do, but initially they were shocked at first, but they are used to it now.”

Opening up about all the work she’s had done, Kierstyn went on: "I have modified my body in many ways. I have tattoos everywhere, including my eyeballs, a split tongue, fanged teeth, Lipo 360 and two breast augmentations.

Kierstyn has fanged teeth, a split tongue and has even tattooed her eyeballs.

"I’ve spent about £35,000 modifying myself."

And when it comes to the most pain she's been through for the sake of her body mods?

"The most painful modification was my tongue being split," she confirmed. "It makes getting tattooed seem like a piece of cake.”

I’ll take your word for that one, Kierstyn.

Although her overall look may seem pretty extreme to you or I, Kierstyn isn’t done yet and is already thinking up more surgeries and tattoos she might get in the future.

"I plan to tattoo more of my body and possibly get more surgeries,” she added.

Featured Image Credit: Caters

Topics: Style, Life