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People Are Divided Over Dad's Comment On Labour Ward

People Are Divided Over Dad's Comment On Labour Ward

One woman has gone viral after revealing the hilariously off-the-mark things her boyfriend said during her labour.

It’s no secret that labour is an intense, often painful experience for a person to go through, and that’s why support is so important.

But one woman has gone viral after revealing the hilariously off-the-mark things her boyfriend said during her labour.

In a TikTok that’s now been viewed more than two million times the woman, from Australia, shared a compilation of her boyfriend’s labour quotes. 

They included the classic "I'd love a bath right now"; "We did it babe" and "he's actually really heavy" ("I carried him for nine months," the mum points out.)

A newborn's feet.
Pexels / Rene Asmussen

Needless to say, his remarks were all-too-relatable for a lot of people, and they flooded to the comments section to weigh in.

One wrote: “Sometimes I wonder where we find men!! [sic]”

A second added: “i would be so mad if someone said ‘we did it’ [sic]”

Another wrote: “Girl I’m so sorry. You deserve better," while one simply said: “I'm infuriated.”

One viewer shared: “During my c-section, mine looked up and said ‘wow that's a lot of blood’. thanks, I was wondering what was going on, being cut open and on the table [sic].”

One TikToker added: “My bf threw up from the stress when I was having contractions [sic].”

Another wrote: “Nah cause if my future husband says ‘we did it’ if we ever have kids I would be so petty the next 18 yrs.”

A mum and newborn.
Pexels / Büşranur Aydın

The most unbelievable comment came from a TikTok user who shared what her dad did during her mum’s labour. 

They wrote: “The doctors told my dad to ‘get the camera ready’ during my moms c-section but to him that meant just take a picture of her open stomach… [sic].”

However, at least one commentator agreed with Georgia’s boyfriend’s assessment of the situation. 

They wrote: “‘We did it babe, (No i did)’ – remember it takes two.”

This viral video comes after another mum shocked the internet by giving birth in the ocean. 

Josy Peukert, 37, specifically drove with her partner to the beach in Playa Majagual, Nicaragua, to have their baby.

She then got down on all fours and birthed the child without any medical assistance. 

However, the video – perhaps unsurprisingly – prompted a lot of worried comments despite the unusual delivery resulting in a healthy baby. 

One worried viewer wrote: "Is this sanitary? There's a lot of bacteria in the sea."

A second added: "What a shock for that bubba – from a warm womb to the cold ocean."

Josy said of the unusual birth: "After Bodhi was born and wrapped up in towels I went back into the ocean to freshen up. Then I got dressed and we packed everything up and drove home where the three of us got straight into bed."

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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