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Amy Hart says she went against doctors advice to not get pregnant

Amy Hart says she went against doctors advice to not get pregnant

Love Island's Amy Hart has revealed that she defied doctor's advice to get pregnant.

Love Island's Amy Hart has revealed that she defied doctor's advice to get pregnant.

The former air hostess turned reality star, 30, announced she is expecting her first child yesterday (29 August) but explained that she was advised not to get pregnant because of cervical abnormalities.

She revealed that she fell pregnant unexpectedly after an HPV diagnosis and a subsequent cervical biopsy found pre-cancerous cells in her cervix that are still under investigation.

Taking to Instagram, Amy explained that she was first diagnosed with HPV in May of this year, and in June she had an 'uncomfortable' colposcopy to examine her 'dodgy cells'.

Upon inspection, she was told by a nurse that it looked like she had 'high grade cells' and described the whole experience as 'quite scary'.

She said: "We were supposed to talk about this on Loose Women but we all got carried away. So HPV, I've got CIN1 and CIN2 on my cervix. 

"The lady told me 'Do not get pregnant till I've taken these cells out.' I didn't know at the time that I already was pregnant.

"So now I'm under a consultant. They are trying not to take them out because they can cause miscarriage or early labour...

"Obviously, hopefully we can leave them but it's all been quite scary."

As well as having potentially pre-cancerous cells that need to be removed, Amy explained that she also has fibroids outside her womb.

She said: "Oh and I've also got four big fibroids on the outside luckily. Yeah it's all fun and games down in the chamber. It's all fun and games."

Amy's pregnancy comes after she decided to freeze her eggs after a fertility MOT found that she had a low ovarian reserve.

While she did end up conceiving naturally, she has not ruled out using her frozen eggs in the future.

"I might need them in the future," she elaborated yesterday. "It was never about not being able to get pregnant, it was more about the longevity of my egg reserve… 

"If I don't need them, then I’ll donate them."

Explaining how she unexpectedly got pregnant, Amy revealed on Instagram that she tracks her ovulation with an app, and its estimate for her fertility was completely off the mark.

However, this was a happy accident for her and boyfriend Sam Rason, who were planning on trying for a baby anyway.

She wrote: "We got pregnant unexpectedly because the app that was telling us the fertile window was SO out.

"So much so that if we’d started trying in January as planned we probably wouldn't have fallen pregnant as we would have been nowhere near the ovulation days!

"We were told earlier this year that if we hadn’t fallen pregnant within 6 months of starting trying, it would be straight to IVF. Life has a funny way eh!!"

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/amyhartxo

Topics: Celebrity, Sex and Relationships