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Couple surprise each other by proposing at exactly the same time

Couple surprise each other by proposing at exactly the same time

This is the most heartwarming thing you'll watch all day

Get ready for all the feels, as this is the adorable moment a couple surprised each other by accidentally proposing at the same time.

Popping the question can go one of two ways - you could either get a slap to the face or you could end up engaged to the love of your life.

Thankfully for Bradley Fox-Jones and Joshua Barker it was the latter, with the pair sealing the deal during their four-year anniversary trip in Crete.

The couple arrived on the Greek island in July this year, and had spent the day leading up to the double surprise relaxing by the pool.

Bradley had been planning to propose to Joshua on the beach, and so used the old trick of suggesting they go and watch the sunset together.

In the buildup to the big moment, Bradley, 25, revealed that he needed to stop by the bar with his partner for a bit of Dutch courage.

He said: "I knew I needed them. I’d keep going to the toilet so I could call friends and family for reassurance.

"I was really worried about it. I’ve been practicing getting down on one knee for months."

But much to his surprise, Joshua, a 23-year-old journalism student, managed to beat him to it.

Joshua ended up proposing before Bradley.

In the clip, the pair can be seen posing for a few snaps together before Joshua tells Bradley: "We have been together for four years, those four years have been the best years of my life.

"You make me so much more confident and brought out the best in me and I hope that we can spend the rest of our lives together."

He then gets down on one knee and presents a ring - and of course Bradley says yes.

Speaking after the proposal, he said: "When Joshua proposed, I was shocked - it's a bit too stupid, but all I could say was 'really?'"

Following Joshua's act of love, Bradley reciprocated by asking him the exact same question.

"After the proposal we had the best holiday ever," he added. "It’s really strange because we’re an engaged couple now, but we’re still the same people.

"I didn’t grow up thinking I was going to get married.

Bradley (left) and Joshua (right) have found lasting love with each other.

"I didn’t think I would be able to, because I’m very flamboyant. I didn’t think I was a person people would want to bring home.

"No one has genuinely loved me before Josh. I was OK being single because I had resigned myself to it.

"But then, as soon as I met Josh I was like, wow, there’s really something here.

"I was his first love, his first kiss and everything."

Featured Image Credit: SWNS

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Travel, Wedding