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Teenager reveals they left parents on Caribbean island to get back on to cruise ‘on time’

Teenager reveals they left parents on Caribbean island to get back on to cruise ‘on time’

The teen was made to be 'miserable' for leaving their parents

Taking a lavish holiday on a cruise is all the range right now, but what isn’t the range? Timeliness.

According to a high school graduate, they had to make the choice to either make the ship’s departure time or bargain at shopping stalls with their parents on a Caribbean island.

The teen took to Reddit to share their conundrum, but ultimately shared that they decided to leave said parents on the island and boarded the cruise solo.

I mean… I would too.

The poster told Redditors that the cruise was actually a present gifted to them by their parents to congratulate them for turning 18 and graduating school, but it’s when they docked at an island for a roam around where it all went wrong.

The teen asked Reddit if they were wrong for ditching their parents. (Getty Stock Image)
The teen asked Reddit if they were wrong for ditching their parents. (Getty Stock Image)

As it happens, the teen had anticipated their parents would go off and forget about the time schedule laid out by the crew, which is why they told them that 'that if we went on excursions, we had to follow the schedule no matter what'.

They continued: "Well it was a week-long cruise and they would not head back to the ship when I said it was time to go.

"They were busy shopping and bargaining with the locals. I finally said that I was heading back to the ship. My mom waved me off."

But of course, the parents ‘missed the departure... by a lot... Like 45 minutes’ due to their bad time keeping.

However, the parents didn’t see it that way and wanted to know 'why I didn't get the boat to wait for them'.

Unwilling to 'inconvenience 3,998 people because two could not understand what a schedule was', the poster shared that as a result of missing the departure, their parents had to fly to the next port, which was costly.

They then apparently spent the rest of the trip 'making me miserable because I left without them'.

They shared that their parents made them 'miserable' for the remainder of the trip. (Getty Stock Image)
They shared that their parents made them 'miserable' for the remainder of the trip. (Getty Stock Image)

Of course, most people on the platform were on the side of the teen and some had personal experience with the rules for excursions.

One person wrote: "The docks and ship have a schedule to keep. They are adults and need to be responsible for getting back on time. Which is something you have figured out in less than six months of being an adult. At least you don’t have to go on any more vacations with them after this."

Another was pretty annoyed at the parents for expecting their teenager to hold up a boat of people just so they could finish shopping.

They wrote: "Do they think if they arrive late to the airport the plane will wait around for a couple hours? This is not rocket science. It's a mode of transport, you get there on time."

Someone else chided the parents for their immaturity, writing: "Sounds like [the original poster] is the adult and the parents are the two kids."

Featured Image Credit: David Sacks/Zuberka/Getty Images

Topics: Reddit, Travel, Cruise