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Woman whose partner died in freak trampoline accident announces pregnancy days after his death

Woman whose partner died in freak trampoline accident announces pregnancy days after his death

Our thoughts are with Rob's family and friends

The girlfriend of a man who died in a tragic trampoline accident has revealed she is pregnant with his fifth child.

Rob Harcourt, 37, from Stockton-on-Tees, passed away earlier this week after a devastating trampoline injury.

Rob had been attempting a backflip when he landed on his neck. He underwent two operations at the Intensive Care Unit at the James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough, but sadly passed away after suffering a cardiac arrest which led to brain damage.

Rob passed away earlier this week after a devastating trampoline injury.

Following his death, Rob's family have announced that his girlfriend Jade Higgins, 30, is 15 weeks pregnant.

"My boy was my only child. This baby is my little ray of hope," said mum Jackie Graves.

"My clever, funny, kind and beautiful son Rob has passed away in mine and Jade's arms.

"Jimmy was with us too, holding his hand. Heartbroken doesn't touch how we are feeling right now.

"Rob's last words were 'Love you Mam' as he went to theatre for the first operation to his neck. He couldn't speak after that."

Following his death, Rob's family have announced that his girlfriend Jade Higgins is pregnant.

Tributes have been flooding in for Rob ever since the devastating news was announced, and since it was revealed that Rob was set to be a father again.

One person wrote: "A little bit of Rob that you will cherish forever a ray of sunshine amid the darkness xx congratulations to you all xx take comfort in the knowledge that Rob will live on in this precious gift."

While another said: "How beautiful but tragic, his legacy will live on in all his children I'm sure Rob will be looking down on you all and be so proud."

And a third added: "Bittersweet news. Difficult circumstances I’m sure but how wonderful to have a bit of Robert live on in all your lives."

A GoFundMe has recently been set up for Rob's family, and has so far raised over £10,000.

A GoFundMe has recently been set up for Rob's family, and has so far raised over £10,000.

It explains: "Our friend Rob Harcourt suffered a catastrophic injury following a trampoline accident. Sadly, despite the best efforts of the medical teams, he was unable to recover and passed away in the arms of his loved ones in Teesside hospice.

"We originally started to raise funds for Rob and Jade, ever hopeful that rob would wake up and that his loved ones would get him home. We couldn’t imagine the series of devastating set backs that Rob, Jackie and Jade would have to endure. And endure they did, with the utmost love and care and compassion for Rob. Loved beyond words until his last breath and beyond….forever.

"So now we have to update the fundraiser, we are using the funds as Rob would have wanted, to support Jackie and Jade through this difficult time. To help with whatever they need. To contribute to a send off worthy of Rob. To help when Rob and Jades baby comes along. To leave a lasting legacy and remember him as the great guy he was."

You can view the fundraiser here. Our thoughts are with Rob's loved ones.

Featured Image Credit: NNP

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