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Influencer faces backlash after revealing she killed two cats as a child

Influencer faces backlash after revealing she killed two cats as a child

Social media influencer faces backlash over killing two cats as a child, which has resulted in her losing sponsorship deals and fans.

Emma Claiir, 28, an Australian ‘mummy blogger’ from Sydney, is facing the music for admitting to killing two cats as a child.

When a recent episode of her podcast, Simply Chaotic aired, Claiir decided to share with her co-host, Kristy Jean a personal secret as a ‘get to know me’ type of episode.

Unfortunately, the influencer took to the mic to disclose a dark secret about how she had killed two cats.

Emma and Kristy on their podcast /Simply Chaotic Au / YouTube
Emma and Kristy on their podcast /Simply Chaotic Au / YouTube

When she was nine-years-old, Claiir swung her cat around by its tail, thinking 'it was just a stuffed toy'.

Since the video was posted, she had faced an immense amount of backlash from her 107,000 Instagram followers and has even lost sponsorship deals as a result.

In her admission, Claiir said: “I killed my cat."

“I didn’t mean to. I was young, I was a child.

“I was swinging my cat around. Like, I was thinking it was just a stuffed toy.

“And I accidentally let go of it.”

While chuckling over the memory, she claimed that the cat didn’t die from the injuries she inflicted, but instead, it 'died of fright'.

Even though the admission was shocking to many followers and fans, the co-hosts continued to laugh and she explained why: “I just want to say I’m giggling about it now, but this happened years (ago).”

Now, one cat death is horrific, but Claiir admitted to killing two cats, one of which belonged to her best friend.

mcobeauty/ Instagram
mcobeauty/ Instagram

As a result of the podcast episode and confession, the influencer was swiftly dropped by MCoBeauty, one of her sponsors.

The beauty brand released a statement to their Instagram to confirm the news.

“It has come to our attention that Emma Claiir recently relayed a story on her podcast discussing an incident of animal cruelty from her childhood,” the statement read.

“We were dismayed by this story, and will no longer be working with Emma in future.

“Here at MCoBeauty, we take instances like this extremely seriously and do not condone animal cruelty of any kind.

“Thank you to all those who have taken the time to bring this situation to our attention.”

Emmaclaiir/ Instagram
Emmaclaiir/ Instagram

However, Claiir doubled-down on her insistence that no wrong-doing had been committed in her own story and said: “I was a small child ... accidents happen and you all need to chill.”

“It’s a bit of light humour in a get-to-know-us episode, and if you can’t handle that then Simply Chaotic ain’t for you.

“So byeeee.

“Thank you for not taking things too seriously and understanding the humour.”

“Again sorry not sorry for an accident that happened over 20 years ago and sorry not sorry for having a giggle about it because I think still 20 years on I’m in shock by it.”

This is when the ultimate backlash ensued, however.

Claiir’s message were posted to the Influencer Updates AU Instagram page and followers were disgusted by the brush-off attitude.

Emmaclaiir/ Instagram
Emmaclaiir/ Instagram

Comments with many people sharing their horror at her actions and blasé reaction blew up the post.

One user said: “What the? Not sure I would consider a conversation about killing two cats to be ‘a bit of light humour’”.

Others called into question the truth that Claiir was nine-years-old and thought the cat was a “stuffed toy”.

After more anger from the online community, it seems as though the influencer came to her senses and decided to issue another statement, but this time apologising.

“I am well aware that the story was not light humour and in fact very serious.”

She went on to say that she deeply apologises 'for those effected' due to the incident and hopes that 'we can leave it' in the past.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/emmaclaiir

Topics: Beauty, Instagram, Social media, Animals