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British man who died on Singapore Airlines flight after severe turbulence named as Geoff Kitchen

British man who died on Singapore Airlines flight after severe turbulence named as Geoff Kitchen

The London to Singapore flight experienced severe turbulence which has left several injured and one dead

The 73-year-old British man who died onboard the Singapore Airlines flight that hit severe turbulence and was forced to make an emergency landing has been named as Geoff Kitchen.

Mr Kitchen suffered a 'suspected heart attack', though his cause of death has not yet been officially determined.

Mr Kitchen, who was from Thornbury near Bristol, was heading on a six-week long holiday with his wife to Singapore, Indonesia and Australia.

His wife is reported to be in hospital following the ordeal.

The Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-300ER had departed from London and was bound for Singapore, but was diverted to Bangkok, Thailand, after experiencing severe turbulence that resulted in one death and several injuries.

Geoff Kitchen sadly passed away on the flight. (Facebook)
Geoff Kitchen sadly passed away on the flight. (Facebook)

A spokesperson for Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital, where passengers were taken, said: "71 people needed treatment and six of them had critical injuries."

The flight had set off from London at 22.17 local time on Monday 20 May, and made the emergency landing at 15:45 local time (08:00 GMT) on Tuesday 21 May.

According to FlightRadar 24 data, the plane rapidly dropped from an altitude of around 37,000 feet to 31,000 feet within just five minutes.

Thornbury Musical Theatre Group paid tribute to Mr Kitchen on Facebook, writing: "It is with a heavy heart that we learn of the devastating news of the passing of our esteemed colleague and friend Geoff Kitchen in the recent Singapore air incident.

The aircraft plane dropped from an altitude of around 37,000 feet to 31,000 feet within just five minutes. (X/@JoanValls)
The aircraft plane dropped from an altitude of around 37,000 feet to 31,000 feet within just five minutes. (X/@JoanValls)

"Geoff was always a gentleman with the utmost honesty and integrity and always did what was right for the group.

"His commitment to TMTG was unquestionable and he has served the group and the local community of Thornbury for over 35 years, holding various offices within the group, including chairman, treasurer and most recently secretary.

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and the family at this difficult time, and we ask that you respect their privacy."

'Everyone seated and not wearing a seatbelt was launched immediately into the ceiling'

Surviving passengers have recounted their terror when experiencing the horrifying turbulence.

28-year-old student Dzafran Azmir told Reuters: "Suddenly the aircraft starts tilting up and there was shaking so I started bracing for what was happening, and very suddenly there was a very dramatic drop so everyone seated and not wearing a seatbelt was launched immediately into the ceiling.

"Some people hit their heads on the baggage cabins overhead and dented it, they hit the places where lights and masks are and broke straight through it."

A British man, Jerry, told BBC that the plane 'plunged' mid-flight without any warning.

The horrifying turbulence began over Myanmar's Irrawaddy Basin. (JoanValls/Urbanandsport/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
The horrifying turbulence began over Myanmar's Irrawaddy Basin. (JoanValls/Urbanandsport/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

He added that he and his wife hit their heads on the ceiling of the plane, and that people who were walking around the plane 'ended up doing somersaults'.

Allison Barker also spoke out. Her son Josh was travelling on the flight and sent her a text that read: "I don't want to scare you, but I'm on a crazy flight. The plane is making an emergency landing... I love you all."

She then had to wait two "petrifying" hours before making further contact with her son.

'We are deeply saddened by this incident'

The head of Singapore Airlines, Goh Choon Phong, has issued an apology.

His statement included: "We are very sorry for the traumatic experience that everyone on board SQ321 went through.

"We are deeply saddened by this incident.

"It has resulted in one confirmed fatality and multiple injuries. On behalf of Singapore Airlines, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased.”

Featured Image Credit: Facebook

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