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Ex-husband of poisonous mushroom cook asked chilling question after parents died

Ex-husband of poisonous mushroom cook asked chilling question after parents died

Several family members died after eating a beef wellington she had made them

The ex-husband of the poisonous mushroom cook asked her a chilling question after his parents died, having spoken to her in the hospital.

Erin Patterson, 48, from Leongatha, invited her former in-laws, Gail and Don Patterson, both 70, as well as Mrs Patterson’s sister, Heather Wilkinson, 66, and her husband, Reverend Ian Wilkinson, 68, to have lunch at her home.

After giving them a homemade beef wellington, all four guests became ill, with Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Patterson both passing away on 5 August.

Mr Patterson died the next day and Mr Wilkinson remains in hospital in a critical condition while he awaits a liver transplant.

Police said they displayed symptoms of having eaten poisonous death cap mushrooms, while Ms Patterson has denied any wrongdoing.

Don and Gail Patterson sadly died.
Family handout

In a written statement to police earlier this month, she addressed speculation that police had seized a food dehydrator at the local tip while investigating the case.

She admitted that she lied to the police when she told them the kitchen gadget had been dumped at the tip a ‘long time ago’ - before revealing that her ex had asked a chilling question.

Ms Patterson recalled how she had been at the hospital with her children ‘discussing the food dehydrator’ when her ex-husband Simon Patterson asked: "Is that what you used to poison them?"

She explained that she started to feel concerned she might lose custody of her children, so panicked and ended up dumping the dehydrator.

Ms Patterson added: "I now very much regret not answering some questions following this advice given the nightmare that this process has become.”

Erin Patterson has denied any wrongdoing.

A public memorial service is due to be held for Simon’s parents Gail and Don on 31 August at the Korumburra Recreation Centre.

A statement from the family read: "The Patterson family has expressed their deep gratitude for the outpouring of love, support and understanding during this challenging time.

“They have been touched by the many memories and stories shared by friends, acquaintances, and even strangers who were touched by Don and Gail‘s kindness and generosity.”

Victoria Police said there was no update on the investigation.

A spokesperson said: "Beyond that, we are not commenting on specific details of the case or what actions police will undertake as part of the investigation.

"If there are any updates we are able to release publicly we will certainly let everyone know."

Featured Image Credit: 10 News First/ Getty

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