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A woman was left horrified after discovering a man had been living underneath the floorboards of her home ‘for months’.

Yep, while this may sound like something from a horror movie, it was actually the grim reality for California resident.

In a clip shared on TikTok, Ashly Guardino said she was at home when she heard a noise and was concerned someone was on her roof.

She stepped outside to investigate, and it was then that rather than the roof, the noise was actually coming from below her home - which became apparent after she saw an arm moving around.

Ashly Guardino was left horrified after making the discovery.

Ashly Guardino, who says she only realised what had been going on after she spotted an arm poking out from the floorboards beneath her house.

She explained: "I'm standing at the front door and I'm, like, peeking out and I see the grass moving. A f***ing arm comes out of the hole and is feeling around."

Ashly then shows the open hole before moving the camera to reveal how the man had got in.

"A whole a** man living here for months,” she went on.

“Living underneath the house. You know how creepy it is to see a f***ing arm come out... feeling around the side of the house?"

The clip then shows a couple of police officers who are talking to the man while he’s still hiding inside the hole, telling him to climb out.

Ashly said the bloke did climb out from the crawl space and was promptly arrested by the cops, with Ashly claiming he was ‘high as s**t’.

This is the spot the woman believes the man crawled through.

The clip has since gone viral, racking up more than six million views and leaving fellow TikTok users equally as horrified.

One TikTok user said: “I literally would never sleep again.”

Another wrote: “The anxiety this would cause me for the rest of my life I am so sorry.”

While a third said: “What a violation of your safe space. I'm so sorry this happened to you.”

"I pray that you can find peace in your home going forward," a fourth person wrote.

Others felt sympathetic towards the man, with one person commenting: “This is so scary but also so incredibly sad. We really need to do better for the unhoused in our country.”

“That is extremely alarming to imagine. But imagine the state of mind/sad circumstances of the man living in dirt and darkness. Very sad,” added someone else.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/ashlyguardino

Topics: TikTok, US News, Home