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Police confirm return date for Alex Batty as he’s found six years after disappearance

Police confirm return date for Alex Batty as he’s found six years after disappearance

Police have confirmed a return date to the UK for Alex Batty, who has been found after being missing for six years.

The British boy who was ‘kidnapped’ in Spain has been found six years later, and police have confirmed a date for his arrival back in the UK.

Since being found in Toulouse, France, on December 14, it has been reported that Alex Batty is doing ‘well’ and is providing officials with information.

Alex was just 11-years-old when he vanished whilst on holiday in Spain with his mum, Melanie Batty, and his grandad, David, in 2017.

Alex’s family are from Oldham, Manchester, and his grandma, Susan Caruana, has spent the last six years wondering where on earth he could be, and in fact if he was even still alive, after none of the family members returned home from their holiday.

Alex Batty went missing on holiday in Spain in 2017.
Greater Manchester Police

The missing boy, now 17-years-old, was found on the side of the road by a student and part-time lorry driver, after hiking through the Pyrenees mountains for days trying to escape a ‘spiritual’ commune.

Fabien Accidini, the driver who rescued him, said that Alex had told him he was ‘kidnapped’ by his mum, who he described as ‘a little crazy’, and spent three years in Spain, followed by two years in France.

Mr Accidini has said Alex was ‘with a community, let's say something to do with spirituality, that he didn’t feel comfortable with’.

Alex Batty was just 11 when he went missing in Spain in October 2017.
PA Media

Upon being found, Alex was able to message his grandma from the driver's phone, saying: “Hello grandma, it is me Alex. I am in France, Toulouse. I really hope that you receive this message.

“I love you, I want to come home.”

Speaking to The Sun after receiving the news that her grandson was safe and alive after all these years, Susan said: “I have spoken to him and he is well.

“He is currently with the authorities in France. It is such a shock.

“I don't know where his mum is. It is great news. I am just waiting for him to come home - I am thrilled.”

Alex sent a message to his grandma asking to 'come home'.
PA Media

Alex’s mother and grandad are yet to be located, but police are keen to talk with them.

In hopeful news, Greater Manchester Police have released a statement saying: “This is a complex and long-running investigation, and we need to make further enquiries as well as putting appropriate safeguarding measures in place.”

They also said that Alex should be back on home turf ‘over the next couple of days’.

We have a feeling that’s going to be one heck of a welcome home!

Featured Image Credit: PA Media

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