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Woman shares clever tip to keep your house warm without central heating

Woman shares clever tip to keep your house warm without central heating

The woman has taken to TikTok to share some cost-effective tips on how to keep warm during this grueling winter

A woman has shared a savvy tip to keep your house warm without central heating during this gruelling winter - and it takes just five minutes to set up.

As the mornings and evenings grow darker and temperatures rapidly plummet, it's clear we're well and truly in the midst of winter. But to make things even worse, the cost of living crisis has plunged millions into despair as too many households in the UK are having to choose between heating and eating.

However, hundreds of cost-effective tips on how stay warm during these challenging times have been shared online and one clever woman has certainly thought out of the box when it comes to keeping the cold out.

TikTokker @ChilliBoxFace has been a God-send to many during these last few - and very cold - weeks by sharing a couple of savvy tips on how to stay warm, and her latest is nothing short of a stroke of genius:

So, what exactly does this tip entail?

Well, the TikTokker demonstrated how she swiftly installed a rail and a curtain in front of her front door to 'prevent as much heat loss as possible'.

The rail is an extendable shower curtain rail that was purchased for around £15 from Amazon, and the curtain was purchased for £30 - both of which turned out to be brilliant investments.

"These are great if you live, like we do, with a front door that leads to a stairwell which is often really cold," the TikTokker explained in the video.

Hanging a curtain in front of your front door can help trap in the heat and prevent the cold from outside coming in.

"They're also really good if you live with a door that goes straight onto the street," she added.

"Of all the things that we've tried to keep the heat inside while we're here, this, I think, has had the biggest impact on the temperature in our flat.

"We feel it immediately if we forget to close it!"

People were understandably very impressed by ChilliBoxFace's hack and flooded to the comments to add their own savvy tips to the hack.

One said: "Rolled up bath towel across bottom of door also helps," to which the TikTokker responded with: "Yes! Blocking drafts is a must. We find that the curtain prevents heat loss through the door. The temp behind the curtain is noticeably lower!"

The TikTokker has shared tips on how to stay warm without turning on the heating.

Another user pointed out: "Wilkos sell a £6 tension rod (the curtain rail) which is the same length as that if anyone is near a wilko!!"

Other cost of living hacks ChilliBoxFace has shared include the likes of using a squeegee or dehumidifier to keep on top of condensation which causes damp, and hanging up makeshift fabric blinds underneath curtains to trap in as much heat as possible.

If you've been affected by any of the issues in this story, you can find more information about where to get help from Turn2Us via their website

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@ChilliBoxFace

Topics: Life, Real Life