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One woman was left absolutely mortified after answering the door to a delivery man after breastfeeding.

Standup comedian, Kelly Convey, took to TikTok to share her latest parenting antics and it's elicited quite the response from the internet.

The mother-of-two couldn't believe it after accidentally answering the door in a less than, let's just say, decent fashion.

Kelly Convey was left 'mortified' by the whole ordeal.

Taking to TikTok armed with her baby, Kelly told her followers about her run-in with the delivery man.

She explained she had been feeding her newborn when she got the knock at the door and, without thinking, got up to answer.

The only thing, however, was that Kelly had unknowingly answered the door with her 't*t out'.

It wasn't until her normally chatty neighbour came over who was now 'verging on rude' that she realised what had just happened.

She said: "I walked back in the house and I realised my t*t was hanging out."

Kelly then phoned her husband to fill him in on the situation only to find out he somehow already knew: "He said, 'You answered the door with your t*t out didn't you' and I said, 'How did you know that?'"

The husband replied: "Well I just got the delivery note from DPD and in the top corner of the photo your t*t is hanging out."


The dreaded delivery photo.

The mum finished up the story time video by directly speaking to her youngest child.

"I hope you are well fed - I hope you enjoyed your meal," she joked.

The first video has since gone viral after clocking up over 5.4 million views with the second follow-up TikTok following closely behind with more than 1.4 million views.

Between the two clips, people have rushed to the comments section to share their reaction to the 'mortifying' mishap.

One TikTok user wrote: "This is hilarious. I’m so sorry. Your story telling makes it even better."

"OMG, thank you for sharing this with us. It's hilarious," posted a second.

A third commented: "Loool mum life."

Fellow mums revealed they have shared Kelly's pain.

Many fellow parents went on to share their own similar breastfeeding blunders.

One revealed: "I literally did this last week. Except I was standing in front of a window and waved to my neighbour."

A second joked: "My postman got flashed more than my fella while I was breastfeeding."

"Been there, except I was on a plane, waiting for take off and people who were still boarding were giving me peculiar looks," added a third. "Took a while to catch on."

Another sympathised: "Omg I can feel your embarrassment. Bless you. I don’t know what to say. But I’ve been there."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@kelly_convey

Topics: TikTok, Parenting, Real Life