Everyone has a different opinion on when the Christmas decorations should go up - and even when they should come down.
Some believe the tree should be packed away in the loft in time for the new year, while others are adamant it should be on or after the twelfth night - falling on either 5 or 6 January.

But the divide doesn't stop there. Some Brits drag their trees outside on Boxing Day, while others use days off in between Christmas and New Year as the perfect opportunity to clear the house of reminders of the festive season.
But perhaps one date that isn't often thought to be the optimum time is Christmas Day itself, which probably explains why people were shocked when one woman announced on Facebook that she always takes her decs down in the evening of Christmas Day.
In a post discussing the ideal time to take the tree down, she wrote:
"Mine comes down Christmas Day night."
And she wasn't the only one, with others admitting to taking the decs down in the afternoon of Christmas Day.
One person called the move 'chaotic' while another said: "Absolutely not, has to stay until the last minute!!"
Many people admitted to taking the tree down on Boxing Day, while a lot of Facebookers said they like to have the house clean, tidy, and de-Christmassy by the time they go back to work in the New Year.
"I take it down New Year’s Eve and have a good clean through, I don’t like to start a new year with it all up," said one.
While another disagreed completely: "If I could I would leave it up all year."

So, when is the right time to take the tree down?
'Officially' tradition points to any time after the Twelfth Night, which falls 12 nights after Christmas Day (5 January).
Some choose to take them down the day after, on the day of the Epiphany (6 January) as - depending on whether Christmas Day is counted within the 12 days - this is thought by some to be the actual twelfth night.
There's also an old tradition that suggests the tree should remain up until Candlemas on 2 February.
The festival is the official midpoint of winter, landing inbetween the shortest day of the year and the spring equinox.
Of course, opinions vary on the matter and ultimately, it's totally up to you when you take your decs down.