There could be a deeper meaning behind why you have never broken a bone, and if so, there's a bizarrely exclusive community to join.
If you are a proud member, like myself, of the 'no broken bones' club, you probably shouldn't say it out loud just in case.
However, a strange conspiracy theory has provided an eerie explanation as to why some people remain with all their bones intact.
And even better, there's a club full of people just like you on Reddit - called Neverbrokeabone.
The description for the group reads: "For those who are safe. Have you ever broken a bone? No? Then this is the group for you."
But what would people post in such a group?

Well, it largely seems to be folks who have come close to breaking a bone - e.g. dislocations, having to have staples, hockey pucks to the face - boasting of how their bones stayed strong. Others ask if they get extra points for breaking other people's bones, while their own skeleton remains unharmed.
And then there are people sharing pictures of themselves in casts, bidding goodbye to the community of no broken bones.
One member joked that there is 'no mercy for weak bones, no matter how close they are to us'.
There are even moderators in the group that have to tread very carefully through life, being sure not to break a bone and undoubtedly lose their position of power.
But a wild conspiracy theory online has gone viral, after suggesting that there is actually a deeper meaning as to why some people have never broken a bone - and it's split into four categories.
A psychic named Rachel Stiles said: "This theory means that you are being protected by people in the spirit world.
"Depending on what you believe, this could be a spirit guide, angel, or a loved one who has passed, protecting you from the other side.
"He protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken."
Taking to the comments, one reader shared their own experience with this, teasing, 'lol broken bone and emotional suffering but I feel divinely protected', while another continued, 'I am 78 and never broken a bone and I know I have guardian angel'.

According to Stiles, this theory hinges upon the basis that some people haven't ever broken a bone in this life because they are destined to hurt in an emotional capacity instead.
"To even the scales, you are given a stronger frame to bear the emotional suffering," she wrote.
One person in the comments replied: "No broken bones here. The emotional suffering is something else though."
Another added: "I got that premium emotional suffering package for sure hahahahaha."
According to Stiles, not having broken any bones throughout the duration of your life so far could indicate, 'symbolically' that your 'soul has developed strong spiritual bones through past lives'.
She continued: "You may have already faced and overcome challenges that taught you resilience, making the need for physical injuries less relevant in this life."
"To never break a bone could signify that you are deeply connected to your ancestors," she wrote online. "And that their strength flows through you."
Topics: Social Media, Health, Reddit