A cheeky tot was left with a hairstyle resembling David Bowie in the 1986 film Labyrinth after 'scalping' herself with her hairdresser mum's scissors.
Chloe Hope managed to indulge in her first DIY haircut after grabbing a pair of scissors.
The scissors, while usually stored out of reach, had been placed on a countertop whilst her parents were in the process of decorating.
Mum Jo Hope had nipped to the bathroom for "about a minute", but returned to find Chloe clutching tufts of her hair and declaring she looked "pretty".
The then two-and-a-half-year-old had snipped the top of her previously shoulder-length blonde locks to a 1cm-long circular patch on her head.

Hairdresser and colour technician Jo, 31, spent weeks covering Chloe's head with headbands and hats in a desperate bid to hide the toddler's DIY style.
Chloe's self-administered cut left her rocking a mullet two months later - looking just like David Bowie as Jareth, the Goblin King in the 80s' cult-classic Labyrinth.
Talking about the aftermath of the fiasco, Jo, from Durham said: "She'd literally scalped herself so I called her Friar Tuck because she did look like him and when it grew back she looked like David Bowie [from Labyrinth]."

Chloe indulged in the DIY haircut in July 2018 with bemused mum Jo taking the mullet snap in September 2018.
She then sent the photo to her dad, a huge David Bowie fan, who jokingly urged her to keep the striking 'do, claiming it looked 'cool'.
Jo said: "It went from Friar Tuck then evolved into me having my very own Goblin King at home.
"This was literally bed head. She'd had a bath the night before, went to bed, got up the next morning and that was how she looked.

Jo initially didn't see the funny side, blaming 31-year-old civil servant husband Chris Hope for moving her scissors while decorating and admitting she "could have killed him."
She has since come around to seeing the funny side of the debacle.
"As a hairdresser I rate her skills with the scissors 10/10, absolutely fantastic." Jo added, continuing: "It was a nice close cut, she didn't hurt herself in the process either.
"If she doesn't become a barber with those shearing skills, I'll be surprised."