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For most of us, we’ve mastered the difference between our left and right before we’ve even started junior school - but for others it's a little bit more tricky.

In fact, a 2021 study found that more than 14 percent of folks get confused between their left and right - so if you’re constantly finding yourself getting a bit muddled while following directions, then you’re certainly not alone.

Ineke van der Ham, professor of neuropsychology at Leiden University, told the BBC that while most of us have no troubles being able to distinguish top from bottom or front from back, when it comes to left from right it’s slightly different.

"It's because of the symmetry, and because when you turn around, it's the other way around, and that makes it so confusing,” she explained.

Do you know your left from right?
Pexels/Connor Forsyth

So there you go.

But one US woman had a rather permanent solution to her left/right struggles - by getting the letters L and R tattooed onto her respective hands.

I mean, fair play to her, I’m sure she’ll never get mixed up again.

The unusual inking was shared on TikTok by Eiza Murphy - the sister of the person who got tattooed.

Sharing footage of her being inked, Eiza wrote: “My sister doesn’t know her left and right so she got them tattooed on her.”

The camera then zooms into the woman’s hands and a small letter L and R can be seen nearly tattooed just below her thumbs.

The comment section soon filled up with people who appear to be from the aforementioned 14 percent and thought it was a marvellous idea.

One person commented: “I need to do this.”

One woman had a pretty permanent solution to stop her getting confused.

Another said: “I've been planning on doing that since I was a kid because I have a major problem with my left and right.”

A third wrote: “I am planning to do this for the same reason.”

While someone else added: “I need this urgently… [also] still don't know the difference between after and before.”

Meanwhile, one commenter revealed they had the same tattoo, writing: “Got mine done a couple months ago, so helpful.”

“I’ve had this tattoo for over a year and let me tell you, it’s the best,” added another.

But the idea didn’t quite work out for one TikToker’s boyfriend, with her explaining: “My bf did this and still doesn’t know them.”

Yikes. Not sure what more he could do, to be honest.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@eizamurphy

Topics: Life, TikTok