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Mum left in stitches after finding out what daughter wants to be when she grows up

Mum left in stitches after finding out what daughter wants to be when she grows up

'She wants to have layers'

A mum was left in stitches after her daughter revealed what she hopes to be when she's older - and it might not be what you'd expect. Watch the video below:

Rachel Hughes couldn't contain her laughter when nursery staff unveiled the photograph they had taken of her daughter Liliya as part of a task to discover each child's dream job.

Liliya's nursery class had been learning about different jobs after reading the book, 'The Wonderful Things You Will be' by Emily Winfield Martin.

The children were then asked to share what their dream job would be.

However, Rachel, 32, never expected her daughter would have such a hilarious answer - to be an onion.

After posting the video to TikTok, she explained: “They gave you a little report and it mentioned that Liliya had said she wanted to be an onion a few days before they did this task.

Rachel thought her daughter's answer was hilarious.
Deadline News.

“I have spoken to her key worker at the nursery but whenever anyone asks why Liliya wants to be an onion she just says 'don’t ask me why'.

“Liliya always wants to be an onion but she has a younger brother and I asked her what he will be and she said a potato."

Rachel added: “I initially made the video just for family but then they suggested putting it online and it has been really nice to read all the comments from other people about their experiences.”

Liliya's unique answer went viral after Rachel shared her reaction on Monday (5th September) with the caption: "What my daughter wants to be when she grows up."

Rachel can be seen holding the photograph in the video as she says: "I've just been through the pack they gave Adam at parents morning.

This, I’m going to have to get this framed. So The Wonderful Things You Will Be is the book that they have been doing about learning what they want to do when they grow up.

“Aged two when Liliya grows up she wants to be… An onion.

People on TikTok are loving Liliya's answer.
Deadline News.

“All the other kids will have policemen, nurses, you know the normal things but you know she wants to be an onion.”

The wedding beautician then sticks the picture up on her fridge at the end of the clip, which has amassed more than 700,000 views and over 119,000 likes.

Liliya's dream made countless TikTok users smile, with some commenters suggesting that her answer could actually have a deeper meaning.

"She wants to have layers," said one TikTok user.

Another wrote: “I love they didn’t push her for a proper answer. She said what she said.”

A third person added: “Imagine the teacher's face when she said that to her.”

And it turns out that Liliya isn't the only child with a food-themed ambitions: “I once did this with the kids at nursery and one of them wanted to be a toaster," someone else wrote.

Featured Image Credit: Deadline News

Topics: Parenting, Life