A woman announced her sister’s secret pregnancy during her maid of honour speech at the sister’s wedding, leaving people in shock.
The mind-blowing wedding situation was revealed in a lengthy Reddit post, where a guest at the wedding, who is believed to be from the US, explained all the drama.

The post begins: “This wedding occurred in June but I had to wait to post as not to dox myself. I recently attended a wedding with my boyfriend. It was his male cousin getting married.
“The wedding itself started off fine. We had heard rumors that there was some drama among the bride's party particularly with the maid of honor which was the bride's older sister.”
The Reddit user claimed the maid of honour didn’t like not being the centre of attention during her younger sibling's big day, so she started off her speech by declaring: “We’ve heard enough about my sister for one day, I’m a little sick of it.”
The disgruntled woman apparently didn’t ‘say a word about her sister (the bride) or the groom'.
She then proceeded to reveal the bride’s pregnancy to everyone’s surprise - the bride hadn’t even had a chance to tell her parents about it.
“Can’t wait to meet the little one,” the sister reportedly said during her speech. “The whole room went silent,” the Reddit user recalled. “Apparently the bride was six weeks along and only her sister knew. Not even her parents. The bride looks mortified. The rumours we heard after were that the maid of honour couldn’t stand to not be the center of attention during events so she just had to be the one to tell everyone that her sister was pregnant.
“It was such an awkward after party.”
People were outraged by the sister’s actions, with many reiterating why women tend to wait until the second trimester to announce their pregnant.
One Reddit commenter said: “There’s a reason people wait until the second trimester to announce their pregnancy. Big sis is going to look like an even bigger if they end up miscarrying.”

Another person wrote: “Holy sheep nuggets - what a horrible sister.”
Other Reddit users with sisters related to the post, with one writing: “I have an older sister like this and this is why she will not be in my wedding. She’s my only sister unfortunately and I don’t have any friends who are in a position to be a bridesmaid so I’m standing with no bridal party at all. I’d rather do that than risk her humiliating me because she can’t get over her pathetic older sister jealousy syndrome.”
While someone else wrote: “This definitely sounds like the kinda thing my sister would do, she’s that much of an attention-seeking prick. Luckily, she’s neither in the wedding party or allowed near a mic at my upcoming wedding, and my friends have no problem at all putting her in her place when she starts up with her BS.
“The poor bride and groom!”