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Woman who claims to be diagnosed psychopath reveals ‘morbid’ interests she had as a kid

Woman who claims to be diagnosed psychopath reveals ‘morbid’ interests she had as a kid

She has shared the 'morbid' things she was interested in as a child

A woman who says she's a diagnosed psychopath has lifted the lid on her life, including the 'morbid' things she was interested in as a child.

A TikToker, who goes by the name @Victhepath, has shared the dark interests she had as a child, after claiming to be diagnosed as a psychopath.

During extensive research, scientists have found that psychopaths have reduced empathy for other people, and seem to have an increased interest in violence and things of a disturbing nature.

Psychopaths tend to have reduced empathy for others and a general interest in more violent and morbid material. (Getty Stock Image)
Psychopaths tend to have reduced empathy for others and a general interest in more violent and morbid material. (Getty Stock Image)

They also suggest that they may be drawn to violent or gory material, due to a desire to assert their dominance, or for their brains to be stimulated.

With this in mind, it could explain a couple of the dark interests Vic claimed to have had as a child.

Geneally, people who are diagnosed as psychopaths, tend to display traits of antisocial behaviour, compulsive lying, and a lack of remorse.

Multiple studies have found that gruesome or violent videos and stories, do not evoke the same emotional impact to a psychopath as other people.

Research suggests that they are able to engage with that content without feeling disturbed or uneasy.

Vic claims to be a diagnosed psychopath. (TikTok/@victhepath)
Vic claims to be a diagnosed psychopath. (TikTok/@victhepath)

Stats show that only 1.2% of US adults are considered to have clinically diagnosed psychotic traits, but this number increases when looking at inmates.

In prisons around the US, 15-25% of criminals display these characteristics.

In her TikTok video, Vic said: “I was really into the Holocaust specifically when I was a kid, not really World War II as a whole.

“When I was in the third grade we had a book fair at school and I remember seeing this little black book called The Holocaust and being really intrigued by it.

“After that, I was so fascinated by the subject.

“And even when I was in eighth grade I went on a DC trip and opted to go to the Holocaust Museum over the Smithsonian.”

She shared the 'morbid' things she had interest in as a child. (TikTok/@victhepath)
She shared the 'morbid' things she had interest in as a child. (TikTok/@victhepath)

The second interest she discussed was Grimm fairy tales.

For those not in the know, Grimm fairytales are the 'original' ones and as Vic describes them, they're 'extremely morbid'.

One in particular one she said was called The Robber Bridegroom, which is about bandits who drag a maiden into their underground bunker, force her to drink wine until her heart bursts, rip off all her clothes and then cut her body into pieces.

She continued to express her interest as a child for the Romanov family - who were all murdered by Bolshevik soldiers in 1917 - Greek mythology and the Labyrinth.

In the video, she added: “It shouldn't be a shock to you guys that I was really intrigued by the whole human sacrifice thing.”

But despite the bizarreness of the interests, people in the comments found them to be quite relatable.

One said: “I don’t think this is unusual. A lot of people find history, fairy tales, and mythology interesting.

“It could potentially indicate red flags or also could just be general interest.”

And another added: "This is SUSPICIOUSLY relatable."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@victhepath

Topics: TikTok, Mental Health