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Supporters raise over £45,000 for children who lost both parents within four weeks of each other

Supporters raise over £45,000 for children who lost both parents within four weeks of each other

Those touched by the tragic story have rallied funds for the two bereaved children

Supporters have raised over £45,000 for the two children who lost both their parents within four weeks of each other.

Amie Walton, 30, was fighting terminal cancer when her other half, Chris Mills, 43, died suddenly of a ruptured stomach ulcer on 18 July at Good Hope Hospital in Birmingham.

Four weeks later, on 18 August, Walton - who was diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer - then tragically passed away.

The parents left behind their two children Harry, aged eight, and Mia, aged six, who are now being ‘lovingly cared for by both sets of grandparents, ‘Tracey and Sade, and Sandra and David'.

But those impassioned by the tragic story have rallied their efforts for the two children and have raised over £46,000 in the process.

Amie Walton and her partner Chris Mills both tragically lost their lives within four weeks of one another.
PA/Real Life

Bal Singh posted the family’s story on Crowdfunder and admitted that they felt ‘deeply touched’ by their loss.

“Both my brother and I, and undoubtedly many of you, were deeply touched and affected by this tragedy as we felt a personal connection to the loss,” Singh wrote.

“We felt the need to do something positive for the children and hopefully be part of something bigger than our individual selves.

“We both hope you will join us in raising as many funds as we possibly can as a community and come together to place a smile on the faces of two beautiful children.

“Thank you for your support, kindness and care,” Singh concluded.

In just one week, friends, family and others have rallied together to raise funds for the children Walton and Mills left behind.

In just one week, friends, family and others who have come across the family’s story have managed to raise £46,174 - at the time of writing.

According to the Crowdfunder, donations will be used to give the two bereaved children ‘a good start in life’.

Recalling the tragic story, their family explained on the site that Walton and Mills fell asleep together one night, only for the mum-of-two to wake up and realise her partner had sadly passed away during the night.

The family later discovered his sudden death was due to a complication of a stomach ulcer.

Walton was diagnosed with terminal cancer, while Mills died suddenly from complications of a stomach ulcer.
PA/Real Life

The page reads: “Many of you might be aware of the recent heart-rending passing of Amie Walton and Chris Mills under very tragic circumstances.

“Amie was diagnosed with terminal cancer and fought bravely to the very end. Her devoted and loving partner Chris spent much time with Amie comforting her in every way possible.”

You can donate to the fundraiser for Amie Walton and Chris Mills' beloved children Harry and Mia here.

If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence, contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677.

Featured Image Credit: PA/Real Life

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