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Woman's childbirth was so humiliating her family warned her not to share it

Woman's childbirth was so humiliating her family warned her not to share it

The TikTok star eventually told her embarrassing story online

Welcoming your child into the world through the miracle of birth is undoubtedly one of the most emotionally rewarding life experiences women can achieve.

I mean, sure, your body can sometimes feel like it's splitting in two.

And of course, in some cases, you might need a teenie tiny snip down there to help baby's head fit through, but it's all worth it in the end! Right?

Can you tell I haven't got kids?

The woman told her embarrassing birth story on TikTok.

Anyway, for one poor women in America, her labour experience was so painfully insufferable that she can barely discuss it with her friends and family years later.

After much convincing, TikToker Lindsey - known as @linsmakeuplooks on the video-sharing app - finally opened up about the day she gave birth to her little boy. A day she'll never forget for as long as she lives, but for all the wrong reasons...

It wasn't a particularly difficult labour, Lindsey explains in the video. But one particular incident that occurred when she was minutes away from popping out her son left her leaving the maternity ward the next day as red-faced as her freshly-born tot.

'But what could have been so embarrassing that she can barely discuss it now?' I hear you ask.

Well, fasten your seatbelts, because this is going to be a bumpy, bowel-related ride...

"This is one of those times where my family is going to text me and say I shouldn’t talk about stuff like this online but oh well," she opened up in her now-viral video.

Lindsey then went on to explain that, after she was induced at nine months, she was told by a nurse that she has a small slot of time to eat all the foods her heart desires before she'd have to give the almighty push.

So, naturally, she filled her face with pizza and boneless chicken thighs. Ah, a woman after my own heart.

What medical staff failed to inform the mum-to-be, however, was that binging through some junk food just before giving birth can have some, rather smelly, consequences.

"I was terrified that I was going to poop when I was pushing my baby out and my mom and my fiancé swear up and down that I didn’t," Lindsey recalled.

She ate a banquet of pizza and chicken before giving birth.

"I had a really strong epidural so I could not feel or control a thing down below, which I was grateful for but also, as soon as the epidural hit it was nonstop farting."

In fact, Lindsey claims she was releasing gas to such a thunderous extent, she describes her labour as one of the most 'embarrassing moments of my life'.

On top of her initial humiliation, the social media star revealed that things soon took a more serious note, when her little boy was finally born after he was found to have difficulty breathing.

"He was across the room being taken care of by doctors and I had barely seen him whatsoever," she told viewers.

"So as I’m getting stitched up down there, I’m listening intently to hear my baby or what’s going on."

It was while distracted by doctors tending to her son, however, that the room was filled by an immense ripping sound.

Lindsey described the incident as one of the 'most embarrassing' moments of her life.

"I don’t know why but my mind told me that my muscle ripped so I asked, ‘What is that noise?’" Lindsey explained, trying not to laugh.

"The doctor said, ‘Oh, well I think you just passed some gas.’"

Thankfully her initial fear subsided after medics declared her son fit and healthy, but she still can't live down her embarrassment at stinking out the maternity ward.

"I was terrified thinking something went extremely wrong and the doctor had to inform me that it was, in fact, me farting," Lindsey laughed.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@linsmakeuplooks

Topics: Health, Parenting, Pregnancy, TikTok