I'm sure working in a nursery is hard enough without having to deal with some pretty annoying habits that parents appear to do fairly regularly.
While looking after tomorrow's generation must be a pretty rewarding job, it's clear it definitely comes with its downsides.
And one nursery worker, who goes by the handle @kitkat200030 online has lifted the lid on exactly that.

The woman took to TikTok share her frustrations over some of the things she's noticed parents frequently do and exactly why it drives her up the wall.
She's posted a series of videos revealing all the 'things I've learnt to hate as a childcare practitioner'.
Packs the wrong food
Up first on the list is a specific type of food that parents pack for their little ones' packed lunches.
"Couscous for lunch," she revealed, explaining it's 'so hard' to clean up and ends up going 'everywhere'.
Late for pick up
Next on the rundown are tardy parents who end up rocking up to the nursery late to pick up their toddlers - preventing KitKat from going home in time herself.
"When parents come five minutes before closing and expect a full on chat," she shared.

Making sick kids come in
And, last but by no means least on the nursery worker's list were parents who decided to bring in their kids who weren't feeling well and simply just give them Calpol beforehand.
She captioned the post: "Most annoying things about the job."
The video has since racked up dozens of thousands of viewers with many people eager to share their reactions to KitKat's complaints.
One TikTok user hit out: "As a nursery nurse and mum I have given my child Calpol to go nursery/school as like most parents we can't afford time off work school will now give Calpol too if needed."
Defending themself, a second echoed: "Plenty of times I had to run off the bus to make it in time to get my child due to traffic, trust me I didn’t want to get there that late but it happens."

Others, however, were more understanding of the nursery worker's venting.
"The last one grinds my gears," sympathised a third TikTok user, while a fourth piped up: "My little one has been back at nursery for a week after the Easter holidays and is already poorly."
"If your child is poorly enough to need Calpol, they shouldn't be in!"
A fifth echoed: "Teething is different of course but what gets me is parents not mentioning Calpol being given. It wears off like 4hr later!"
And some fellow nursery workers even weighed in with their nifty little tricks on how to deal with the whole couscous faff.
One suggested: "I used to scatter a bit of the play sand on the floor before sweeping. It makes the cous cous easier to sweep - also works with rice."
"Sand on the floor over cous cous or rice will sweep up easily then!" recommended another, while a final TikTok user added: "Use sand for rice and couscous! Lifesaver!"