A mum revealed that her boyfriend of 10 months wanted to end their relationship unless she put her three-year-old daughter up for adoption.
The anonymous woman, 38, took to Reddit to explain how she met her ‘dream partner’.
She has a three-year-old daughter from a previous relationship and, despite having connected with the girl, the boyfriend refused to raise ‘another man’s child’ who was conceived out of wedlock.

In a post shared on Reddit’s r/relatonship_advice forum, the mum said she would never put her daughter up for adoption but she still wants to be with the man, who she said is 32.
He is apparently financially stable and reliable, which are all things she’s looking for in a partner.
The pair also had ‘amazing chemistry’ and the mum said that her daughter had become attached to the man.
However, the man became more 'distant' as his romantic relationship with the mum progressed and he told her during a discussion that she was ‘broken’.
She wrote: “He’s a great communicator and so when I asked him if we could have a conversation and touch base with how we are both feeling, he agreed to have a conversation.”
He said that since her daughter was born out of wedlock and she was rarely in contact with the child’s father, he felt she was in a ‘mess’ he didn’t ‘deserve to deal with.’
She continued: “Unless I allow my sister or a close family member who I trust to adopt my daughter, so that I can still see her, just not daily.

“He also told me that if I didn’t have a kid that he would commit and start a life with me. I feel as if I am in emotional shock right now, almost like someone who I really loved died.
“My daughter is innocent and didn’t do anything wrong, she also became really attached to him and the fact that he just wants to get rid of her is shocking, indicating that he couldn’t care less about her.
“I still have hope that I can possibly convince him to accept my daughter and continue his life with me, but right now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.”

And more than 5,000 commenters reacted to the post, with many social media users outraged by the man’s actions.
One Reddit user asked: “He said he wanted you to give away your child and you’re still trying to make it work?"
Another person declared: “If this is your dream partner you might want to set your aspirations a little higher.”
While a third wrote: “Seriously! I don’t understand how someone can be a “dream partner” when they call you broken, judge you for your past, and ask you to get rid of your child.
“I don’t even have a kid, but if I did, and someone said that to me I would drop them immediately.”
Topics: Life, Parenting, Real Life, Reddit, Sex and Relationships