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Men warned their wives 'will leave them' after husband didn't buy wife Christmas present

Men warned their wives 'will leave them' after husband didn't buy wife Christmas present

One TikTok mum was left heartbroken after her stocking was left empty

The Christmas period can be a time of immense pressure for those lucky ones who are in relationships.

Sure, you'll have someone to sip hot chocolate and watch The Holiday with, and you'll go on snowy walks hand-in-hand and tuck into a delicious roast dinner together.

The gift-giving aspect of Christmas, however, can be something that some people (*cough* MEN!) dread all year round.

But it's the thought that counts, right ladies? To receive just one, thoughtful gift from your partner on that special day really can be enough to light up your Christmas Day.

And no one knows that more than one TikTok-using mum, who left her followers heartbroken after sharing a glimpse at the moment she realised that she hadn't been gifted one Christmas present from her husband or their five kids.

The 'forgotten' woman in question is Aubree Jones, who last year opted to expose the worryingly common act too many men are guilty of - not buying their girlfriend/wife a single gift.

The TikTok mum appeared saddened not to have received any gifts.

Aubree - who with her husband-of-12-years Josh shares five beautiful daughters - shared a 'PSA for husbands everywhere' after he captured the moment she realised he hadn’t bought her a present for the 10th year in a row.

In the video, Josh captures a glimpse of his, his daughters' and even the family dog's filled-to-the-brim Christmas stockings, which his wife had worked hard to compile.

The camera then pans to an empty stocking, sitting sadly on a chair in the corner of the room, belonging to Aubree.

"Why’s it empty?" Josh can be heard asking, to which Aubrey replies, "Santa didn't come for me".

The gut-wrenching video quickly went viral, with thousands of other women revealing their similar stories, after their partners neglected them at Christmas.

Sharing the video, a fellow mum admitted: "I haven’t gotten a single present under the tree in 15 years. I can’t tell you the last time I actually got a gift for anything. You become numb".

Another added: "This is why I’m divorced. I refuse to live in the background and never be cared for while in a lifelong commitment"

"This is absolutely heartbreaking, get out" a third pleaded.

After the story gained unexpected mass attention on social media, Aubree insisted in conversation with that Josh is a great dad and husband - despite the fact he 'dropped the ball' again this year.

Revealing she usually fills up her own stocking but chose not to this year to see if Josh would step up, she went on: "I’ve taken on this role as an unspoken responsibility because I enjoy it more.

"But just because you enjoy something doesn’t mean it doesn’t add additional stress to my already busy schedule as a wife and stay-at-home mum.

"The previous years, I had just filled my own stocking, but that was the first time I didn’t do it, and instead left it completely empty."

Aubree continued: "When Josh saw the empty stocking, he realised that should have been his responsibility, and he dropped the ball."

Featured Image Credit: Credit: TikTok/@whataboutaub

Topics: Parenting, Sex and Relationships, Christmas, Money, Shopping

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