Being a mum can be busy sometimes; with cooking and cleaning and every other random job that falls under the category of 'parenthood'.
That's why some thrifty mums have developed their very own, and very unusual, life hacks to make the job a little easier.
Taking to TikTok to share her bizarre new method of cleaning her toddler's pram, the uploaded video has since amassed more than 100,000 views.
The short clip in question is captioned: "Mums take your buggy to the car wash. Comes up brand new."
The clip simply shows a man washing a small pink buggy in the exact same fashion you would a car – hose pipe and everything.

The TikTok ends with the pram dripping wet in a puddle of soapy water.
With more than a thousand likes and dozens of comments, it's fair to say that the hack got some very mixed reviews.
"Yes!!!!!! What a good idea! I’d rather someone do this for me than stand there scrubbing my pram myself," wrote one TikTok user.
A second chimed in, supporting the time-saving qualities of the cleaning hack: "I always do this with mine, even in the winter, I just put it in front of the radiator."
"Not me paying £60 for a pushchair cleaning service seeing this now," stated a third, shocked at the money-saving hack.
"Genius!" simply wrote one TikTok user.

One TikTok user commented: "I really wouldn’t like to know what chemicals are in that car cleaner."
"No. Who says the water from that machine is clean?" echoed a second.
Another found the hack ridiculous, reminding Simone: "The fabric comes off and [you] put it washing machine. Just use Google to do it properly."

One parent deemed it fit to champion her more hands-on organic approach to the dreaded buggy cleaning job: "I do mine myself with the pink stuff cream, sponges and a hose. Comes out lovely. Leave in garden overnight to dry."
Whether you're into the jet-wash blitz or opt for a more traditional cleaning method, you can't deny this mum's outside of the box thinking.
For the bargain price of '£3' and a quick nip down to the local car wash – it's fair to say that many more mums may now consider this peculiar cleaning hack.