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Mum mortified after son comes home from school with very rude drawing

Mum mortified after son comes home from school with very rude drawing

This picture is proof that perspective changes everything.

Kids are pros when it comes to embarrassing their parents, and now one mum has shared her embarrassment after her seven year old brought home a very rude drawing.

Taking to Reddit, the anonymous mum said she was left red-faced when her child brought home a seemingly innocent drawing that looked like something else entirely.

The mum, writing under the name @wowprettyneat, shared the accidentally graphic drawing in the subreddit 'Look how stupid these kids are' with the caption: "Unfortunate drawing."

It was a screenshot of a Facebook post that read: "This is upside down and it's actually how I first saw it... It's meant to be a drawing of washing hands... My 7yo drew it last year at school."

While the drawing was clearly a part of an educational class at school and is meant to show a pair of hands under a sink, if you've got a dirty mind, chances are that you'll see something else entirely.

This mum was left red-faced at her child's drawing of a sink.
Reddit / wowprettyneat

As you can tell, this looks more ex-rated upside down than an innocent child's drawing, and Reddit users went wild at what they were seeing.

Reacting to the drawing, one Redditor joked: "If i am the parent, i will frame that sh*t and bring it up every time my child bring his SO [sic]."

"I drew a 'golf course' in 2nd grade that looks like an erect penis," shared a second. "There was some sort of deal attached to said drawing where parents could have keychains, etc. of the drawing made. My [mum] has a magnet on her fridge of my penis drawing [sic]."

"It's not a bad drawing but perspective really is everything," remarked a third while a fourth said: "Face down a** up that's the way I like to f**kin wash my hands!! [sic]"

A fifth suggested: "When it comes time for the sex talk, just pull this picture back out and explain."

How would you react to an x-rated drawing from a child?
Alamy / Anna Grigorjeva

Meanwhile, a sixth user said the drawing gave them a realisation, writing: "This drawing opened my eyes to the fact I've never been someplace with cold water on the left and hot on the right. 'That must be why it looks shocking."

A seventh couldn't help but joke about the quality of the sink drawing itself.

They wrote: "That kid is soo f*n stupid the [cold] knob should be on the right and [hot] on the left. God, so f*n stupid [sic]."

What do you think of the drawing? Have you ever known a child to do something similar?

Featured Image Credit: Westend61 GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo Reddit

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