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Mum Shares How She Gave Birth In Caravan Without Medical Help

Mum Shares How She Gave Birth In Caravan Without Medical Help

Chloe gave birth to her daughter alone in her camper van.

A mum-of-three has spoken about how she freebirthed her third baby in her camper van without any medical intervention.

Chloe Patchett, 32, from Cornwall, welcomed her daughter, Romilly, six weeks ago, after giving birth alone.

The mum-of-three also freebirthed her two eldest children, Ona, four, and Coby, two, who were both born in caravans that the family were living in at the time.

Chloe gave birth in her camper van without medical intervention.
Caters News

"Freebirthing is taking back responsibility for your health and education, as well as becoming more aware of how to look after yourself and your body," says Chloe.

"It's a different perspective on giving birth. It's not seen as a medical event. It's a natural process and you don't need doctors to be there.

"I'd heard about freebirthing online, through a few books and my friend had also freebirthed her child. So when I fell pregnant for the first time with my daughter, Ona, I felt inspired and it felt right for me to do it this way.

"I'd heard so many horror stories about giving birth in a hospital, it just didn't seem natural."

The mum-of-three also freebirthed her two eldest children.
Caters News

Chloe explained that family and friends had some concerns when she explained she wanted to freebirth, but she tried to reassure them by promising to ring an ambulance should anything go wrong.

"After a successful birth the first time, people had more trust in me the second and third time around and didn't think I was being crazy or reckless," she says.

Despite freebirthing with all of her children, they were each welcomed into the world in different locations.

Ona was born in a static caravan where the family were living in Devon, meanwhile Coby was born in a different static caravan and Romilly was born in the family's camper van in Cornwall.

Despite freebirthing with all of her children, they were each welcomed into the world in different locations.
Caters News

"My most recent pregnancy and freebirthing experience went well," Chloe continues. "I didn't have any scans, I just trusted my body to grow my baby.

"I didn't have to prepare at all for the birth. I just had some towels in the camper van and it happened during the night, while I was in the camper van alone.

"My partner, Carl, was our other camper van with the kids, and they slept through the entire thing.

"I rang when the baby had arrived. Giving birth is a private and intimate experience. I think that being observed during this would be off-putting for me.

"I would of course be fine with my partner being there as he had been for our first two children, but being alone meant there were no distractions and I could get into the zone.

"It took around two and a half hours to welcome Romilly into the world."

Chloe is already mum to Ona, four, and Coby, two.
Caters News

After birthing the placenta, Chloe then buried it in her garden.

Chloe adds: "Not having anyone involved means there isn't anyone there to disrespect your wishes for your birth.

"It's also a positive experience for the baby as they are welcomed into a calm and peaceful environment.

"All of my babies have been born really alert and crying. I immediately place them on my skin and then breastfeed them straight away.

"It's a beautiful experience. It's an intuitive experience instead of needing someone external to monitor and control it.

"I was able to connect with my body and baby and allow the natural process to occur on its own and to surrender to the process.

"There is no need for humans to have control over something that should happen naturally."

Featured Image Credit: Caters News

Topics: Parenting, Life

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