An Australian landlord has been slammed over a single question about a broken shower head in his rental.
The homeowner shared an urgent message in a private landlord group with a picture of the broken fitting - but the responses were not what he was expecting at all.

He asked his fellow landlords whether the cost of fixing the broken shower head was his or his tenant’s responsibility, noting that it ‘happened while the tenant [was] showering'.
People in the private group flocked to the comments, with many landlords shocked that he would dare to ask such a question.
One person replied: “Oh come on, this is a joke.”
While another landlord wrote: “Why is this even a question.”
“You’re not serious are you? Buy a new shower head,” one person chastised.
A fourth commented: “Please tell me you’re not serious. Tenants are not responsible for replacing or repairing fixed items.”
The outrage continued in the group and even though the answer was already loud and clear, that didn’t stop other landlords from piling in to give their two cents.

For example one said that posts like this give ‘good landlords a bad name’ and said they should know their responsibilities.
Meanwhile, others lashed out at the landowner for buying ‘cheap’ fittings and said they shouldn’t be surprised when they break.
“Uhm look at the general wear of the shower head … obviously put in a cheap ass shower head and now trying to see if you can get the tenants to replace it. Surely you’re not serious?” one commenter said.
This isn’t the first time a landlord has gone viral because of their outrageous requests.
A landlord caught the ire of the internet after sharing a post advertising a room to rent - but people are shocked by some of the 'odd' requests.
The ad - which was re-shared on Reddit - has some peculiar requirements, such as no showering after 8.00pm, no meat in the house and no telly after 9.30pm.
The rather unappealing room ad reads: "I have a room for rent. In my apartment. It is a 3br. Rent includes one bedroom only! You will have access to the bathroom, but you must not shower after 8pm!
"You may use my kitchen. You must clean up after yourself!"
The ad continues: "You will need to provide your own toilet paper, you must provide your own soap and shampoo! You will have to buy your own food! You will not be allowed to cook meat in my house as I am vegan!
"No music or TV will be allowed after 9.30pm. Rent is $1,300 [£947] per month plus $75 [£54] if you want the wifi. Weekly room inspections will be done! To ensure you are being clean!"
The post goes on to explain pets are not allowed and the landlord would rather their new tenant have no company in the house at all, but if they must, they should stay in the tenant's room and not leave - even to use the loo!
"No pets! I would prefer no company! But if you must have company they must stay in your room at all times! They will not be allowed to use the bathroom.
"This is my house not yours! You must follow all rules."