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Expert reveals how to answer one ‘annoying’ question asked by every employer

Expert reveals how to answer one ‘annoying’ question asked by every employer

You're going to want to make a note of this one...

Job interviews are an unavoidable and inevitable part of life.

Many of us will end up going through a whole bunch of job interviews throughout our lifetime and will, by now, be fairly familiar with the format of how they go.

However, there's one particular question that seems to stump hopeful candidates time and time again.

But, coming to the rescue, one expert has revealed exactly how to answer one 'annoying' question asked by every employer.

The woman, who goes by the handle @advicewitherin online, took to Instagram to share with her 1.7 million the handy bit of career advice.

One woman revealed how to best answer one of the most 'annoying' interview questions.

Erin began: "How to answer one of the most annoying interview questions ever."

And the question in question?

Something I'm sure we've all heard a million times: "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

Erin then role-played the situation, sharing all the 'wrong' answers to the question.

"I don't know," she started.

Another faux pas was: "Oh, you know, I like to go with the flow not to put myself in a box of limitations."

Definitely going to make a note of this.

"Well, ideally, I'd be working for your competitor," was a third no-no while a fourth wrong answer was the all-too-relatable: "Oh, five years from now I see myself traveling the world enjoying life drinking lots of wine."

Erin then finally revealed the correct way to handle the question.

Her answer was simply: "It's hard to know what life is going to look like in five years.

"I mean, as we've seen, the world can be very unpredictable.

"But while I do like to maintain flexibility, adaptability and an open mind, I do have specific ambitions and goals."

She continued: "Five years from now I'd like to be in a role where I'm leading a creative team.

"I'd like to be working on projects that I'm excited about for campaigns that I really believe in.

"Becoming a creative director or having a senior leadership role is definitely a goal that I'm working towards."

People rushed in to share their thoughts on the question: "I never understood why companies insisted on such questions. Why are they asking this kind of questions?"

A second hit out: "One of the dumbest questions ever."

"Why do they like to hear the fake and not the real answer? If I were them, I swear I would pick someone with the most realistic answers!!" slammed a third.

Fair enough.

Now, go and smash that upcoming job interview you've been dreading all week!

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@advicewitherin

Topics: Life, Life Hacks, Real Life, News, Instagram

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