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Sainsbury's shopper divides opinion after buying nine legs of lamb worth £252 for £36

Sainsbury's shopper divides opinion after buying nine legs of lamb worth £252 for £36

Members of a money-saving Facebook group have been having their say

Bargain hunters have been debating whether or not a savvy Sainsbury’s shopper has gone too far with their latest savings deal.

As you may well know, there seems to be a heavy emphasis on spending when it comes to enjoying Yuletide.

There are presents to purchase, winter attractions to attend and, of course, a festive feast to put on.

However, Christmas dinner needn't cost you the earth.

If you’re feeling the pinch, there are actually dedicated Facebook groups specially set up to help you swipe a spectacular supermarket steal.

One particular page that specialises in this is called 'Extreme Couponing And Bargains UK'. However, a recent post in the group has been dividing the masses.

One Facebook user took to the group over the weekend to share a deal on behalf of their friend.

On Saturday (16 December), they wrote: “Mate had a good deal at Sainsbury’s today.”

A picture of nine whole lamb legs was attached, alongside the sentiment: “9 legs of lamb. Retail price of £253, we paid £36. Seems far to me.”

A Facebook user uploaded a picture of their friend's shop to social media.
Facebook/Extreme Couponing And Bargains UK

Since being posted into the Facebook group, many users have taken to the comments section to debate the picture.

One viewer said: “Why so many? Hope u are donating to families that are struggling this year.”

A second commented: “Where do you find the need for 9 legs of lamb?

“Yeah posting it here so people can get a bargain is all well and good but when you clear them out what’s the point? Just a thought.”

“Nice to share, some folk haven't got a leg to stand on, if it was me I wouldn't brag I would have left the shop very sheepish,” joked a third.

Someone else said: “No wonder there is none left when I’ve been to my Sainsbury’s.”

Another Facebook user found a positive in the deal and wrote: “I’m thankful to you for buying them and using them!

“I find it so sad that these animals die for no reason if they just go in the bin!”

The social media user issued a further update to prove that all the lamb legs were on sale.

Elsewhere, some rather observant deal hunters have taken to the post to question whether or not the offer was even legit.

One user commented: “Front 3 are £25. Don't think they paid £36.”

A second added: “I noticed no yellow labels on the back and middle ones... only the first 3.”

However, the original poster provided a second image which showed all nine lamb legs being reduced after all.

So while some people are still debating whether or not the nine lamb legs were picked up for £36, it cannot be denied that this is an incredible Christmas find!

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Extreme Couponing And Bargains UK

Topics: Shopping, Food and Drink, Christmas, Money, Social media