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How tomorrow's Flower Moon will affect you according to your zodiac sign

How tomorrow's Flower Moon will affect you according to your zodiac sign

The Flower Moon will be bright tomorrow, but peaks on 23 May at 1.53pm in the UK

It seems like only yesterday we were trying to get our heads around the Pink Moon - even though it was actually a month ago.

Where does the time go?

Well, it turns out there's yet another moon to get to grips with that will affect all signs of the Zodiac - according to an expert.

The Flower Moon peaks and will be visible on 23 May at 1.53pm in the UK.

It will also appear bright and full tomorrow (22 May) and Friday (24 May).

And while Flower Moon is a truly stunning name, BBC Sky at Night reported: "While it sounds very romantic, [the name] doesn't actually mean the full Moon will look any different compared to other full Moons."

The Flower Moon peaks and will be visible on 23 May at 1.53pm in the UK. (Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
The Flower Moon peaks and will be visible on 23 May at 1.53pm in the UK. (Matt Cardy/Getty Images)

PEOPLE's resident astrologer, Kyle Thomas, told the outlet that the Flower Moon will be a full moon in Sagittarius - which shares the same axis as Air sign Gemini.

He said: "Zodiac signs that are on the same axis or polarity take place six months apart and have the same modality and rule similar themes."

Sagittarius and Gemini 'rule communications'.

Thomas continued: "We are encouraged to pursue adventure, charge into the unknown and learn about how we relate to others and philosophise our place in the cosmos."

So, wondering how your star sign will be affected?

Read on for Thomas' insights.

Some star signs may notice an effect on their relationships. (Getty Stock Image)
Some star signs may notice an effect on their relationships. (Getty Stock Image)


Thomas says: "You may feel invigorated to switch up your routine and move in new directions."

Plus, you may experience a 'milestone moment', or have to make a 'decision' if you find yourself 'actively engaged in academics or wish to expand your education'.


Relationships will be most affected. "You could speak up or instead decide to part ways", Thomas suggests.

He also draws attention to money, adding: "That the full moon may impact a bonus, venture capital, new credit line, inheritance or settlement."


Another sign that should keep an eye on their relationships this Flower Moon.

Thomas says: "Moving in, making promises, getting engaged or even being wed could be up for conversation."

But if you're not aligned, it's probable 'you'll decide it’s time to part ways'.

For Leo's, it's all about living in the moment. (Getty Stock Image)
For Leo's, it's all about living in the moment. (Getty Stock Image)


It's likely you'll notice an uptick in productivity.

Thomas says: "You may realise that you’re busier than ever."

He also adds that you may be in luck when it comes to changing up your


The Flower Moon 'could bring your resume to the top of the pile', he says before adding: "Start applying!"


For this sign, it's all about living in the moment.

Thomas says: "Romance, dating and courtship could all be particularly enjoyable now - regardless if single or attached."

He adds that for creatives, this time may 'encourage you to use your talents, get inspired or showcase your work


"Emotional stability and security are important themes," Thomas states.

"Quite reflective on your past, your heritage and your traditions.

"An important shift around your domestic life, home or family may also pop up."


"You will likely feel especially curious, social and eager to step out of your comfort zone.

"This could be in regards to intellectual pursuits, like a speaking or advertising endeavour.

"Get you excited to step out on the town."

Pisces' work life is most likely to be affected. (Getty Stock Image)
Pisces' work life is most likely to be affected. (Getty Stock Image)


"Money will be a major factor on your mind as you plan out things now and in the months ahead.

"A raise, new job offer or side hustle could also present itself," Thomas says.

"Some may also leave one job or income stream to pursue a new one. If spending cash on important possessions, watch your bank accounts."


"An important personal or professional goal that you’ve been building toward for six months or longer could now be at your fingertips", Thomas says.

"You will be especially fired up. So make sure that you assert yourself and your dominance so everyone knows what you desire and how you’d like to proceed."


"A desire to rest, recharge and recuperate," Thomas says.

"Pushing too hard against the grain now would only burn you out more. Finding time to meditate, nap and heal are paramount."


It's a great time to be social.

Thomas says: "You may attend events, expand your network or even find success in online dating if you are single and looking.

"Ask for favours from people that you know - they may now be granted.


Work, work, work.

Thomas says: "You may receive praise, success or recognition for work that you’ve been building toward for six months or longer.

"A new job offer, promotion or award may now fill you with pride.

"You may quickly realise it and need to pivot in a new direction."

Featured Image Credit: Ozkan Bilgin/Anadolu via Getty Images

Topics: Astrology, Space