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Woman reveals how bridesmaid ran off with $5,000 of wedding money

Woman reveals how bridesmaid ran off with $5,000 of wedding money

This wedding horror story is one for the history books

Just when you thought you heard everything that could possibly go wrong when planning a wedding, a bride has claimed her 'super close' bridesmaid stole the money intended for her hens weekend.

Emma Claiir, who describes herself as ‘just another hot mess on TikTok’, sat down for a story time session with her 180,000 followers.

She began by describing her relationship with her unnamed former friend as being ‘super super close’ and ‘inseparable’.

Emma decided to make the woman a bridesmaid and she was left in charge of managing the bookings for a three-day trip for the bride and her other pals for hen party weekend.

Paula Solloway/Alamy Stock Photo

“Each bridesmaid had a different role, and this bridesmaid in particular, her role was to book the accommodation and be in charge of all the money," Emma said, while applying her makeup:

“It was a lot of money from a lot of people, so I think it ended up being just over $5,000 (£2,955.50).”

The planning stage was ‘going smoothly’ until two weeks before the wedding when Emma’s bridesmaid and close friend became embroiled in drama and soon vanished.

“I got a message from her and she was starting all this drama,” Emma maintained.

“I was like, ‘This is really odd.’ And then I started getting messages from all my other bridesmaids being like, ‘Hey don’t want to alarm you, but this particular person is starting drama in the bridesmaid group, and we’re not sure what to do about it.’

“This went on for a couple of hours, before my bridesmaids actually contacted me, and said they were starting to stress out, because she had stopped replying to them and also stopped replying to me.”

Emma’s story takes an even stranger turn when the bridal party contacted the location they thought had been booked for their hens weekend, only to find out no booking had been made. The bridesmaid who Emma thought had handled it essentially had not and an entirely different family was booked in on their dates instead.

Emma claimed: “When they called, the lady said, ‘I’m sorry, you actually don’t have a booking that weekend. We have a family coming in that weekend’. She never actually booked the accommodation.”

Emma’s attempts to contact the missing bridesmaid were futile as she and other bridesmaids realised that their friend had gone missing with the money.

Thankfully, they were able to contact her mum who extended an olive branch of sorts without hesitation.

“We got in contact with her mum, and without even flinching, she transferred us the $5,000 with no questions asked,” Emma revealed.

“While all this was happening, we heard nothing from her and realised she had blocked us on everything.

“Once we got the money back, we managed to book an epic hen’s weekend, and I’m so grateful.”

In what can only be compared to an episode of Unsolved Mysteries, the missing bridesmaid has never been seen or heard from again in the two years that have passed.

Featured Image Credit: @emmaclaiir/TikTok/Instagram

Topics: Wedding, Life, Real Life, TikTok