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Woman left in hysterics after dad catches 'multi-legged creature' in the bathroom

Woman left in hysterics after dad catches 'multi-legged creature' in the bathroom

A woman has been left in stitches from laughing after her father trapped a 'multi-legged creature' in her bathroom

A mum says she was left in hysterics when she came home to discover her dad had hunted down and 'trapped' a creature lurking in her bathroom, only for it to turn out to be something much less scary.

Jen Robinson's dad, Pete Robinson, had popped over to fix a leak in her bathroom when he spotted what he thought was a 'multi-legged arachnid-type creature' skulking on the windowsill.

Fearing the beastly creature may leap out at him as he worked, the 69-year-old grabbed a glass and slammed it over it before continuing with the job in hand.

Jen, who works as a residential officer from Truro in Cornwall, was tickled pink when she came home and asked the grandad-of-five what was on the ledge.

Pete replied: "I don't know, some sort of creature I've caught."

However, on closer inspection the 36-year-old realised his near encounter with a beastie was in fact her discarded false eyelashes, and she promptly burst into fits of laughter.

Jen explained what the 'bug' was to her baffled retired surveyor dad, who said he was 'horrified' at the thought that she put 'those things' on her eyes.

The mum-of-three shared a clip documenting the funny situation on TikTok where it went viral, racking up more than 1.7 million views.

The 'creature' in the bathroom...
Kennedy News and Media

Pete, also from Truro in Cornwall, said: "I went to my daughter's house to do a small repair job and spotted what I thought was a multi-legged arachnid-type creature on the windowsill.

"The job I had to do was at floor-level and there was no way I was going to have this thing leaping on me from a height.

"I thought the best thing to do was to take charge of the situation by securing this beast under a glass, as you do.

"With the situation contained I proceeded with the job in hand.

"It was only when she returned, I learned that I'd captured some false eyelashes."

He continued: "Somewhat embarrassed, I carried on with my work and made little of it but to answer what you're all thinking I do now have a brand-new pair of glasses.

Dad Pete 'trapped' the creature under a glass while he worked.
Kennedy News and Media

"Being of an older generation I don't have things like that lurking in my house, I'm very pleased to say."

Jen said she was out when her dad nipped around to have a look at a leak in her en-suite bathroom.

When she returned home, she spotted the glass on the windowsill and quizzed him about it. Jen said: "I came home and he just came down the stairs to greet me I said I'd go up and have a look.

"I saw this glass on this window ledge and said 'what on earth is that Dad?'

"He said 'I don't know, some sort of creature I've caught'. When I looked closer it was my eyelashes.

"I just had tears, I was crying. It made my day that did."

Jen has teased dad Pete about getting his eyes tested after the hilarious incident.
Kennedy News and Media

Jen, who describes her dad as a 'happy-go-lucky' chap, later pulled his leg by telling him that he 'should have gone to Specsavers'.

Jen continued: "He covered it up and was going to remove it. I wouldn't have known if he'd done it before I'd got home, I would have been none the wiser so I'm glad that they were still there.

"I picked them up and he was horrified at the thought that I put 'those things' on my eyes. They were kind of stuck together so it did look like a centipede or caterpillar or something I suppose.

"They're still under a glass on my window ledge because I don't want to move them. It just makes me laugh every time I go into the bathroom."

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News & Media

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