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Woman Thought She Was ‘Pushing Out Number Two' - But Gave Birth In Loo

Woman Thought She Was ‘Pushing Out Number Two' - But Gave Birth In Loo

Lucy Jones learned she was pregnant after giving birth to her baby daughter in the toilet one morning.

When Lucy Jones started experiencing back and stomach aches on the evening of 14 Match she assumed it was just period pain as hers was due at the end of the week.

While in bed the next morning, the 22-year-old said her stomach ‘flipped’ and after rushing to the toilet she heard a ‘crash’.

When she looked down she discovered ‘two feet sticking out’ of the toilet bowl.

Lucy had just given birth to a surprise full-term baby in the toilet that she initially thought was just a number two.

"I had tummy and back ache the night before but I was due my period at the end of the week so just put it down to that,” Lucy explains.

Lucy Jones discovered she was pregnant when she gave birth on the toilet.
Kennedy News & Media.

"I woke up in the morning, had a bath and just thought I'd sleep it off before I went back to Bristol for work.

"I was in bed for about 45 minutes and it felt like my stomach flipped, it's the only way I can describe it, and I just felt like I needed a poo.

"I ran to the toilet and gave birth to my daughter in the toilet at home by myself.

"I heard a crash and looked down and there was two feet sticking out of the toilet.

"I didn't have any pain. No one could believe that. I had my back ache and tummy ache but there wasn't actually any pain when I was physically, what I thought was pushing out a poo."

Lucy was rushed to the hospital after the surprise birth.
Kennedy News & Media.

The first-time mum claims that she had no idea she was expecting given that she had no pregnancy symptoms, took contraception daily and still had periods.

After the surprise birth, Lucy wrapped her daughter in a towel before moving her from the toilet to the kitchen sink.

She was home alone at the time and called her dad and her parents arrived at the house around 10 minutes later where they called an ambulance.

"I was hysterically screaming saying 'there's a baby' and they were expecting there to be a miscarriage, not a full-sized seven-pound baby in their kitchen sink,” she recalls.

"I was terrified. I didn't know what had hit me. It was just the shock. I felt numb in a way.

The trainee flight attendant did not have pregnancy symptoms.
Kennedy News & Media.

"When my parents walked through the door it all went a bit blurry because I think the shock just took over and I can't really remember anything then until about 1pm when I was in the hospital.

"Dad described the kitchen - it just looked like a murder scene because when I'd ran from the toilet to the kitchen to get my phone the cord had snapped and there was just blood leaking out.

"It was up the walls, the door, fridge and freezer."

The trainee flight attendant says she also had a medical examination when she would have been eight months pregnant and two pregnancy tests came back negative.

During the months she was unknowingly pregnant, Lucy said she worked 70-hour weeks, drank often and went clubbing around 15 times, including just three days before she gave birth.

She is now a full-time mum to her four-month-old daughter Ruby and says she wouldn’t change anything for the world.

Lucy, from Bristol, said: “I had no bump, no sickness and had a period every month.

"I had two negative pregnancy tests, because of my new cabin crew job I had to take them for that.

"I would have been eight months pregnant when I went for my medical and did the pregnancy tests.

"He [the doctor] pressed all down my stomach and body, and he suspected nothing.

Lucy said her daughter Ruby is 'happy, content and chilled’.
Kennedy News & Media.

"I was still taking the pill. I took it every day and had been on it for six or seven years.

"I went up one dress size after Christmas and then I went back down again, and I put that down to eating and drinking a lot."

The new mum claims she received her fit to fly certificate the month before she welcomed her daughter.

Lucy is keen to raise awareness about cryptic pregnancies, which is when a woman is unaware that she is pregnant.

"It's one of the stories that you read about, but you never think it would be you, your friend or someone you know.”

Thankfully, Lucy has adapted to being mum ‘like a duck to water’. She described Ruby as ‘happy, content and chilled’.

She adds: "I think I've done alright, I've adapted pretty well [to motherhood] and had to adapt pretty quickly obviously.”

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News & Media

Topics: Parenting, Life, Real Life