A 103-year-old woman who hits the gym three or four times a week says it’s her happy place.
Teresa Moore, from Camarillo in California, likes to put herself through her paces and can be seen lifting weights, walking on the treadmill and making use of the other exercise machines on a regular basis. You can see her working out here:
Teresa has explained the importance of finding things that give her 'energy' when it comes to living a long and happy life - and, given that she’s spent more than 100 years on the planet, it’s fair to assume she knows what she’s talking about.
Proving that age is just a number, Teresa insists on going to the gym at least three times a week every single week, which really puts me to shame, if I'm being honest.
Oh and Teresa makes sure she looks her absolute best, arriving for her workout with a full face of makeup, perfectly styled hair and plenty of jewellery. What an absolute icon.

Teresa was born in Italy and married her late husband back in 1946 - after spending several years living in various countries across the world, she eventually settled in the US where she’s lived ever since.
Teresa says keeping active and working out in the gym gives her energy; while her daughter Sheila says her love of the gym probably stems from her adventurous nature.
Speaking to Fox, Sheila said: “That’s where she meets her friends.
“I think [my] mother is a curious person.
“When she left Italy, she lived a vagabond life and I think curiosity was a big motivating factor.”

Alongside her regular trips to the gym for a workout, Teresa’s favourite pastimes are playing bridge and going to the opera, meaning she keeps her body and mind sharp, while also soaking up a bit of culture every now and then.
Offering her advice on living a long and happy life, Teresa says being resilient and not having regrets are key - as is seeing the beauty in the everyday.
Teresa said: “Try to be happy. Try to think of good things – to think everything is beautiful, to think beautiful things.”
So to sum up, live your life to its very fullest, have zero regrets, make sure you workout several times and look as fabulous as Teresa while doing it. Sounds pretty good to me.