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A business owner and landscaper decided to take matters into her own hands when a customer allegedly refused to pay for the second half of a garden job.

TikToker Katelyn Greene (@kslicksix) made the decision to have her employees rip out a customer's yard for refusing to fully pay for the work.

Greene and her boyfriend - who own a landscaping company - 'just did this job for this woman where we did her front and back grass', she explains.

But the issue began when the customer wanted it done during a heatwave. As a result, her grass became dry and yellow because the customer did not water the grass as instructed.

A business owner and landscaper decided to take matters into her own hands when a customer allegedly refused to pay for the second half of a garden job.

They were then not willing to pay the second half of what they owed.

"So she paid the first half because we asked for it up front, because we needed to pay the men and supplies and stuff like that," explains the TikToker - who was speaking in a viral TikTok posted three days ago.

"And I was supposed to pick up the check on Saturday for the second half.

"And she had a family emergency and she couldn't give up the check for that reason, whatever and then, okay, so then she's like, 'Oh, Monday, by 2pm, like I'll have the check', this and that, whatever.

"So I show up. And right away she starts 'ah looking at my grass. I'm not paying for this' and of course she has the water out now like, but it wasn't, I'm sure from the time we laid the grass.

Katelyn Greene made the decision to have her employees rip out a customer's yard for refusing to fully pay for the work.

"So basically, I have one of our employees along with us to see like where this is gonna go.

"So she's b***hing 'oh, you know, it doesn't look good'. This and that. I'm like, 'Yeah, but you didn't water, it you were advised on how to cater for your grass. You didn't do it. And I'm here to collect the check today. You said it was Saturday, you're continuing to cause delays like this. This isn't how this goes. So you're gonna have to pay'.

"Like everything I said to try and be cooperative, wasn't pleasing her.

"So I look at my employee and like she's refusing to pay. So the second half of what she owes us is what we paid for our grass. So take up the grass."

She ripped out her customer's garden because they refused to pay.

“That’s how the story goes,” she adds. “They didn’t pay.

“We had a whole audience, ripped up all their grass, and we’re leaving it there, so it’s a warning sign for anybody who wants to do their grass next: Why do you think it looks like that? ‘Cause they didn’t pay.”

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@kslicksix

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