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Savvy Mum Already Has Her Christmas Presents Bought In July

Savvy Mum Already Has Her Christmas Presents Bought In July

Now that's some serious organisation.

One woman has put all Christmas enthusiasts to shame after buying all of her daughter's presents five months early - and saving a fortune!

Nursery teacher Ivet Blancafort manage to cut her Christmas costs by more than half when she spotted that Tesco Extra in Bletchley, Milton Keynes were holding a toy sale last weekend.

After sending her husband Isaac Martinez down to the store to pick up some toys for their daughter, the couple managed to snag nine toys for just £27, saving themselves just under £50.

Kennedy News and Media

This Christmas, 15-month-old Martina will be surprised with a baby doll, toy guitar, a pull-along trolley, and some plush toys thanks to her mum and dad's impressive organisation skills.

"We saved £47.25 overall - the total was £75 and we paid £27.75," said Ivet.

"I didn't have anything planned, I just saw online that Tesco were having this massive toy sale.

"I was in Spain but my husband, Isaac, was at home at the time. So I said 'could you just go and take a look and see if there's anything interesting?'"

She explained that, as the cost of living crisis continues to devastate families across the UK, she thought it would be worth a look to try and save a few pounds.

Ivet and Isaac managed to pick up nine toys for their daughter for just £27.
Kennedy News & Media

"He called me back and told me he picked up all that stuff for £27, which is very good. The toys he found were really good. Martina's only 15 months so she won't be asking for anything specifically for Christmas. She will love the toys we got."

For a total of £27.75, the couple managed to bag:

  • Go Play Feed Timing Emmi (Originally £14, bought at £3.50, £10.50 saved)
  • Go Play My First Guitar (Originally £10, bought at £5, £5 saved)
  • Baby Shark Splash And Spray Bath Buddy (Originally £10, bought at £5, £5 saved)
  • Go Play Emmi Accessory Pack (Originally £3, bought at 75p, £2.25 saved)
  • Go Play Fuelling Station Playset (Originally £15, bought at £3.75, £11.25 saved)
  • Two Go Play Picture Puzzle (Originally £2 each, bought for £1 each, £2 saved)
  • Go Play Bathtime Playset (Originally £7, bought for £1.75, £5.25 saved)
  • Go Play Pull Along Trolley (Originally £12, bought for £6, £6 saved)

While she admits she's not typically the most organised mum, Ivet is now recommending that any parents who have a few bob to spare start their Christmas shopping early.

Ivet is now suggesting that other mothers copy her trick to save a few bob before Christmas.
Kennedy News & Media

"I wanted to be on top of the Christmas shopping this year because of the cost-of-living crisis. But it wasn't like I'd planned it out, I just saw that Tesco were doing this sale", she said.

"We like doing yellow sticker shopping, though obviously it depends on the quality of the food. It's a good way to save money. I'd recommend all parents do this. Afterwards, I was texting all of my friends like 'Look! Look what we got for Martina!'

"I shared it to Facebook and had a lot of people asking about where we'd gone to get all of it. We got about nine presents overall. It's definitely something I'll try to do next year - I'll keep an eye out.

"These won't be the only presents Martina will be receiving - the rest of the family will be getting her presents. She'll have lots of toys."

Tesco has been contacted for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: Home, Parenting, Money, Life

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