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The thought of finding ‘Britain’s biggest spider’ just creeping and crawling inside your home might be enough to make you live somewhere else.

Homeowner Scott Elwood was responsible for discovering the mahoosive spider at his home in Oldham, Greater Manchester.

The unwanted guest was constantly showing up in different locations throughout the house and was proving a hard catch.

A man was terrified after finding ‘Britain’s biggest spider’ just chilling in his home.
Kennedy News and Media

However, Scott, his brother Mason, and stepdad Dean Stackhouse, made it their mission to find the ‘horrible’ creature.

After eventually discovering the spider in a little hole in the wall covered in spider web, the family started to record what went down.

Mason, who filmed the whole thing, was seen bravely dangling a toothpick over a hole in the skirting board near to the dining table.

Scott, who ‘hates creepy crawlies’ spoke of his terror when the creature – which he estimates to be about the size of his palm – came out of the hole.

On the video, someone can also be heard saying ‘Oh my God, that is evil’.

Homeowner Scott Elwood was responsible for discovering the mahoosive spider at his home in Oldham, Greater Manchester.
Kennedy News and Media

The same voice then proclaims: “Wow, look how big that f***er is. It’s f***ing massive that, Jesus.”

After the homeowner shared the footage online it quickly went viral, racking up millions of views.

Scott, who lives with his family, said: "It could potentially be the biggest spider in Britain.

"That was the biggest spider I've ever seen, anywhere, especially in my house. I'd say it's the size of your palm when it's stretched out.

"It was horrific seeing that in my house. I was terrified when I saw it and still terrified to this day.

"I absolutely hate them. Creepy crawlies and anything with that many legs are just horrible."

Mason added: "I was shocked to see the spider. I was pretty scared and didn't want to go near it.

The unwanted guest was constantly showing up in different locations throughout the home and was proving a hard catch.
Kennedy News and Media

"We're waiting until the next time we see it and from there we'll just decide and make a plan as a family as to how we're going to deal with this thing.

"I definitely should have named it. What's a good name for a spider? I think it's Evel Knievel at this point, something evil.

"I think catching it and releasing it would be the best thing to do.

"If it's grown that big it's definitely been alive for a long time, I don't want to be the one that ends its life. I think it deserves to live on."

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

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