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Woman stung by one of world's most venomous fish on honeymoon still hasn't recovered

Woman stung by one of world's most venomous fish on honeymoon still hasn't recovered

She was rushed into hospital after being stung

A woman who got stung by one of the world’s most venomous fish while on her honeymoon says she still hasn’t recovered two months on.

Newlyweds Amy Thomson, 27, and Callum Thomson, 37, jetted off to Mauritius for a two-week honeymoon in September this year, but their dream holiday quickly turned to a nightmare.

The couple were out on a snorkelling trip when Amy decided to take a dip in the ocean to cool down.

As Amy was popping her sea shoes on she was told there was no need as there wasn’t anything dangerous in the water.

Taking the advice, Amy jumped in without the shoes on but was stung by a stonefish - one of the most venomous in the world.

The couple stayed on the trip for another hour, during which Amy began to experience the most ‘intense’ pain she had ever felt.

Amy Thomson, 27, and Callum Thomson, 37.

After returning, Amy visited the hotel’s doctor and was then rushed to hospital where she had to stay overnight.

Now, two months on Amy says she’s still in pain - and looking for a cure.

Amy, a hairdresser of Lymington, Hampshire, said: "The rest of the honeymoon I was bandaged up I couldn't do anything, I was just chilling by the pool.

"What should have been an amazing honeymoon was spoilt from that point.

"Through our holiday rep, we picked a speedboat trip where they take you to all the differing snorkel stops.


"We were towards the end of it and there was a BBQ on the beach. We were all on the beach and I was between courses and I was quite hot so I wanted to go in for a swim.

"I literally went to put my sea shoes on and the guy who was organising the trip said 'no no no you don't need those here.' It was all sand so I listened to him and went in."

Amy said she knew straight away that something had happened and once back on the shore was horrified to see her foot ‘double in size’.

At the hotel, the doctor informed Amy she had to go to the hospital and received multiple treatments costing £1,800.

Amy's foot doubled in size.

The couple flew home on September 30, but despite two months passing, Amy says she’s still in pain.

Amy said: "On the flight home my foot blew up like a balloon and I am still suffering now.

"I have a hospital appointment on Thursday because my toe won't stop weeping and I have been on antibiotics since I have been home.

"There is still no solution for it, I feel really down from it all because I am still suffering.

"All because when I was putting my shoes on all that guy had to do was not say anything and let me crack on and put them on."

Featured Image Credit: SWNS

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Health