A midwife has warned of the risks of lying on your back during labour.
It comes after a pregnant woman shared a TikTok video demonstrating the pros and cons of different positions for natural childbirth.
The video sparked surprise with many viewers, who didn't realise that lying down during a natural birth can reduce a baby's oxygen levels.
Watch the video here:
Sharing the post with her followers, the creator named Diyasha Jones (or @yourveganitgirl) wrote: "Work in ALIGNMENT with gravity, not AGAINST it."
Tyla spoke to expert midwife and founder of Mummy's Organics Odette Abououf about the best position for a natural birth.
She said: "It is not an ideal position as it reduces blood supply to the baby which, is dangerous as this reduces oxygen.
"If you lie on your back in later pregnancy or, labour the weight of a heavy uterus can put pressure on the vena cava (a large vein) which, supplies the uterus with oxygen-rich blood, resulting in restricted oxygen to the baby. Babies also risk becoming stuck in an awkward position when you lay on your back during labour which, can lead to a longer labour."
Even sitting in a semi-lying position, as demonstrated in the TikTok video, could pose risks.
Odette says: "When you are laying in this position, you are decreasing the internal diameter of the pelvis. The pelvis cannot open up as easily and let the baby out, making this an uncomfortable and painful position. When babies come out in a semi-upright position they have to move upwards against gravity, which is hard work. Babies need gravity to help bring them down and out."

As detailed in Diyasha's video, alternative positions for a natural birth include:
- Hands and knees position
- Kneeling
- Side-lying
- Squatting
Speaking to Tyla, Odette confirmed that all of these positions can open your pelvic diameter and allow babies to move towards gravity.
If you do opt for squatting, though, it's recommended that you only use it to open your pelvic diameter. But when it comes to the birth, you should change to one of the other positions.
"At the point of the head crowing, you should ideally move onto their hands and knees to slow down the birth. You should avoid delivering in this position as babies tend to come out too quickly and, women have an increased risk of tearing," said Odette.

In general, the expert midwife said: "It is a good idea for women to adopt lots of different positions during birth rather than just one, as this helps babies to rotate down the pelvis.
"Generally, being upright and leaning forward is best. Lying down on your left side is ok for short periods when someone is tired, but you should try to be upright and leaning forward as babies need gravity to help bring them down and out. Lying down on your left side rather than right allows for optimal blood flow to the baby."
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