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Woman issues warning to always wash vegetables after spotting bugs in broccoli

Woman issues warning to always wash vegetables after spotting bugs in broccoli

She gave us all a slightly gross reminder about why we should wash before we tuck in

A woman has shared a clip showing why it's important that you always wash your veggies before tucking in.

When it comes to cooking, I think the world is split into camps; those who make sure all fruit and veg is washed before they prepare it and those who reckon it’s fine to go as is.

And if you're in the latter group, you might want to watch this:

TikTok user Tovan, or @tovanordquist as she’s known on the app, gave us all a handy - if not gross - reminder of why we should all be washing our veggies before we eat or cook them.

Unless you fancy accidentally chowing down on bugs.

In the clip, Tovan can be seen looking disgusted as she holds a hand to her face. The camera then cuts to an innocent looking plate of broccoli, but when Tovan zooms in, we soon see that there’s at least 10 little creepy crawlies hiding out inside. It’s all starting to feel a bit I’m A Celeb…

The camera then goes back to Tovan, who looks suitably horrified as a loud scream can be heard.

The TikToker was horrified after seeing the bugs.

Tovan’s followers were equally as disgusted by the clip, with one person writing: “I would have been halfway through eating all those before I would notice.”

Another said: “I’m done eating broccoli for ever bro.” Fair.

A third commented: “Me wondering how many of those I have eaten….” Honestly, it’s probably better not to know that, love.

While someone else said: “Listen I told myself I could watch five more TikToks before I got up to make dinner which I planned on eating a with a side of broccoli AND THIS WAS THE FIFTH VIDEO.”

Make sure you gave it a thorough wash though, eh?

You might want to make sure you’re washing everything thoroughly.
Zoonar GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo

And bugs and dirt aren’t the only reasons you should give your fruits and veggies a wash before eating them.

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, washing fresh produce under running water can prevent you from becoming infected with food-borne illnesses like norovirus.

The CDC also recommends that you wash fruits and vegetables before peeling them, even if you don’t intend on eating the peel, so dirt and bacteria aren’t transferred from the knife onto the fruit or vegetable.

You should also give whatever you're washing a good rub while it’s under the running water to make sure it’s all cleaned off, before drying them with a clean cloth or towel.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@tovanordquist

Topics: TikTok, Food and Drink